Chapter Twenty Three

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"If you try and fight, the other will be shot." The same voice from before rang around the room as the lights cut out.

"Can you choose a different threat? That one won't work for her." Bucky called back, clearly worried I'd let him get shot.

The voice just laughed hauntingly and the sound cut off again.

"Great I was hoping to last at least long enough to try and escape." Bucky muttered.

"I'm not going to let them shoot you, asshole." I growled back at him, and it was true. But he seemed to want to piss me off.

I hated him, and I'd thought about him dying before, more than once, but since he'd confused me within the last month, not being the Solider, it had thrown my thoughts all over the place, and I refused to be alone in here, even if I did still want him dead. Which I didn't think I did anymore. 

I didn't think I'd be able to form a proper opinion on him again though until we left this place because while I wanted to continue to hate him, while I wanted to stay sane by forgetting the last however long of my life and blame him for every terrible thing wrong with me, I wouldn't be able to do it here. 

He was here with me, I only had him down here, and if he was gone, if I was left on my own, I wouldn't survive, I wouldn't be able to hold on. I needed to cling to the small surges of rage he sent through me every time he spoke, every time he riled me up seemingly unnecessarily. I would never admit to him, but he was keeping me alive in here. 

We'd guessed it had been a few days, from the way our bodies felt so dehydrated, from how hungry and tired we were, we'd guessed three days, but it could be longer, it could also be just hours, but for however long it'd been, my brain had latched on to using him as a life vest and that clouded the hate in a way that made me uncomfortable.

I heard stones moving, and the sound of boots hitting the floor, they closed in towards me but stopped, I couldn't see but I could feel the presence of someone standing over me, I heard my chain rattle and felt whoever it was tugging on the chain, pulling me to my feet.

I couldn't stop my breathing spiking as a heavy hand wrapped tightly around my upper arm, as I heard a second set of boots approach Bucky's mattress.

I wouldn't let him get shot for me so I stood still, trying, like I had for the last however long we'd been down here, to make my eyes adjust to the suffocating darkness.

It was so dark when they turned the light out, I couldn't see anything, not even a crack of light from anywhere, nothing to make my eyes adjust.

I wanted to ask where they were taking us, what they wanted us to do, what they expected of us, but I knew it would come out sarcastic and hateful and I didn't know if they'd take that as 'fighting back' I didn't want to risk it.

"Move." The guy holding me ordered, yanking on my arm.

I let him lead me, I had to, I couldn't see anything at all.

We walked for a three minutes at a pace that was hard to keep up with in heels and a tight dress, I stumbled a lot but the guy holding me was sure of his footsteps and didn't paused for a second, just kept pulling me along.

"Juliet." Bucky whispered when we came to a stop, sounds of locks being moved lingered in the air.

"Bucky." I whispered back, I was relieved to hear he was still with us, his own guard pulling him along too.

'You have ten minutes, the cuffs stay on, the room has the same effect so I wouldn't bother wasting these ten minutes." The guy that held me in a grip so tight I knew I'd have bruises, commanded, he pushed me forward, and I felt Bucky instantly stumbling behind me, his elbow caught my back making me gasp.

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