Flashback (part 4)

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I got to class in time before the classroom teacher could come in, but I couldn't help but wonder about "Ana" the girl I bumped into earlier.

Hmmmmm, why do we look so similar?? especially our eyes, it's like we are related; that's odd.

Bella! Bella! BELLA SMITH!!!! - the teacher calls out

I snapped out of my thoughts immediately and looked towards the board, oops! seems they've gone far in their teaching and I haven't understood a word there.

Come to the board and answer this question - the teacher said (while crossing her hands and shooting a slight glare at Bella) 

I stood up and headed towards the board passing the curious eyes of my classmates, "Christ! It's gonna be a long day for sure"- I said in my thoughts

I stared at the question on the board then looked at my teacher and said with puppy eyes - I'm sorry ma'am, I wasn't listening, it won't happen again, please.

Sighs, I'll only let it slide because you are still a new student and still need time to adapt but let this not repeat itself and always pay attention in class, you can head back to your seat - the teacher said politely.

Phew! I better pay attention now, enough of the thoughts for now Bella.

The school bell rings

I'm staving, I better go get something to eat ASAP.

Bella strolls down through the hall searching for the canteen, fortunately, she finds it in time, after getting her food, she searches around for empty seats and sees a familiar person sitting alone. She walks up to the person.

Hey Ana, do you mind me sitting here? I can keep you company also. 

Sure Bella, please have a seat.

You look down Ana, what's wrong?? 

Sighs.. just thinking about some things, just petty things; don't worry much about it - Ana said while smiling

Ana, I have been thinking about the similarities we have, isn't it odd??

Yeah, I was also shocked when I noticed the similarities we have but it could be a coincidence, don't you think? - Ana asked while staring at Bella trying to know what she was thinking about.

"smiles" Maybe you are right Ana.

Bella, tell me about yourself if you don't mind - Ana said while looking at Bella with puppy eyes.

Okay, so.............

To be continued.

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