Back to present (part 6)

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End of the flashbacks

It's been an hour and 30mins and I've been walking, while having the flashback and also thinking about the weird dreams, should I tell my parent? I don't want to give them reasons to worry much about me but the dreams are getting more and more real to me.

It's like it happened and didn't happen at the same time and why did my heart beat faster when Ana mentioned her parent's name, like they have some connection in this and it's like I'm eager to see them and I don't know why; sighs, maybe I need to tell my parents because I can't concentrate anymore, every night, every day.

Flashbacks on last night

While sleeping

Mo....Momma... don't leave me,(shivering)  MOM!!!! (screams

Bella honey.. momma is here (some sense of panicking in her voice)

Bella's breathing gets heavier and her body starts to shiver

shhhhhhhhhh Momma is here, Momma isn't going anywhere, I'm here my baby

Bella... sweetie... Momma  is here, Momma loves you, Momma will sing a song for you

Dream a little dream of me
Sweet dreams until the morning light
Dream a little dream of me
Stars shining bright above you
Night breeze whispering through the trees
Soft and low, like a sweet serenade
Dream a little dream of me
Stars shining bright above you
Dream a little dream of me
Sweet dreams until the morning light
Dream a little dream of me
Stars shining bright above you

Momma loves you...

And she becomes calm after hearing her mom's Lullaby 

End of midnight flashbacks

That's the only real thing I can remember from the dreams I've been having, but I can't see her face; it's too blurry but her voice, her warmth and the song, sighs....

It's late now, I need to head home now, my parents must be worried already.

"Hi Dad," Bella said, walking into the parlor and hugging him,

"Hi Sweetie" her dad replied. "How was school and why are you late dear?; it's half past 6, we were getting worried"

"Sorry Dad, just having some thoughts that have me thinking: nothing much," Bella said while smiling.

"Is it something you want to talk about with us?" her dad replied, Looking at her worriedly and trying to know what was wrong.

"Nothing you should worry about Dad" Bella smiled trying to reassure her dad.

"Hm Bella are you......." Her dad tried speaking 

"Hmmmm dad where's mom?" Bella said cutting her Dad off from completing his sentence.

"Hi dear," her mom said while carrying a tray of cupcakes, why did you come home late dear?

"Hi Mom," Bella said happily while running to her mom and hugging her: I'm sorry for coming late, it won't happen again.

"I'm gonna see you later guys, I've assignments to complete," Bella said running off

"Won't you have some cupcakes dear?!!" Her mom said 

"I'll have it later mom," Bella said.

Her parents looked at each other confused......

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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