2. Orange Town & The Watermelon Girl

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There will be some changes in the canon just because I don't want people to expect things (duh). So expect the unexpected. Also, I have a lot of things planned out (sort of?) for the future, so stick around for that (it will be a while, though). I was thinking about it, and I decided to change the rating to M because, in the future, there will be brutal stuff and references to sexual stuff. (No lemon, because I'm not going to do that in graphic detail.)

Also, I will be using the anime (some stuff will be from the manga that was censored in the anime).

Lastly, some crossover characters will exist in the one-piece world and others outside the one-piece world, like Kirito.

(Sorry for the long intro; this is some important information.)


Out at sea in a little boat.

"I'm starving," said Luffy. Valac hit him on the head.

"Yeah, because who ate all the food?" said Valac in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, when are we going to reach land?" said Zoro. "I don't know where we are going, so let the waves take course," said Luffy.

"So none of us can navigate," said Kirito. "Yes, but I can read maps," said Valac.

"Isn't it kind of weird that the guy who wants to be Pirate King doesn't know how to navigate?" said Zoro.

"Nah, I just drifted around," said Luffy, which made Kirito sweat. "You mean we're just blinding going around the sea with no rhyme or reason?" said Kirito, hitting the boat, but then it tilled a bit, letting Luffy's hat fly away.

Luffy's hat was flying away, but Zoro managed to catch it.

"That was a close one, thanks Zoro," said Luffy. "Luffy, who gave you that hat?" said Kirito.

"Oh, this straw hat is my most important treasure given by Shanks," said Luffy as he stared at it in the boat.

Luffy looks up to see a bird and says, "Let's eat the bird."

"Yeah, how are we going to..." said Kirito, but was cut off by Luffy as he launched himself into the air. Luffy managed to reach the bird; however, Luffy's head was clamped in the bird's mouth.

"Huh," said Zoro, Valac, and Kirito.

"HELP ME!" screamed Luffy, who was struggling to get out of the bird's mouth.

"YOU RUBBER DUMBASS!" screamed Valac, rowing the boat.

"You..." said Kirito, face palming and rowing the boat.

"MORON, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" screamed Zoro, rowing boat.

Then three people scream for help.

"Dam people in distress at a time like this," said Zoro.

A person yells for them to stop, but the boat keeps going until the people in the sea manage to get on.

"Wow, you had the will to live," said Valac snarky while the three people introduced themselves as buggy's crew.

"Now give us all of your treasure," said Buggy's subordinate.

"Huh," said Zoro. "Who asked?" said Valac. Kirito had a hand on his sword.

Valac, Zoro, and Kirito proceed to beat the shit out of them.


"We had no idea you were the famous pirate hunter Zoro," said one of the Buggy subordinates.

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