Chapter 2

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             Ji Wangshu got off the subway, and within a few steps of leaving the station, she noticed someonefollowing her. He was not afraid of the people coming and going in the subway station. He turned around andsaw the high school student who was on the subway just now.

 Unsurprisingly, he raised his eyebrows. The young man also realized that he had been noticed. He tooktwo steps and walked up to him. He didn't say anything, but just stared at him.

 "Why is my brother following me?" Ji Wangshu asked with a smile. 

The young man felt that he really looked like a pervert today, even doing things like following you. Hepursed his lips in embarrassment and said: "I, I don't know your name yet."

 Ji Wangshu smiled, his eyes became seductive, and he said softly: "Do you just want a name? Mybrother also wants to give you a gift."He was worried and had nowhere to relieve his desire, so this young man came to his door. How couldhe miss it.

 When the boy was still confused, he pulled the other person into the toilet cubicle.Two people stood in the small and cramped space. They stood almost close to each other's chests. Theirbreaths intertwined, and the boy's breathing gradually became heavier. 

"Brother, brother, why did you bring me here?" Although the young man already had a suspicion in hismind, he still stammered and asked as if he couldn't believe it.

 Ji Wangshu's hand had already touched the boy's chest, feeling the boy's body. Without answering, heasked, "Has my brother ever had a girlfriend?"The young man shrank his body, wanting to hide but unwilling to do so. He just froze and let the handmove around his body, even getting into his school uniform jacket.

 "No, no, I'm too busy studying and don't have time.""So, you are still a young girl?"The young man lowered his head in embarrassment: "Yes."

"Then my brother will let you enjoy it today."

 Although he had expected it, after confirming it, JiWangshu still smiled with satisfaction, which made his already gorgeous face even more beautiful, and theyoung man could only open his eyes stupidly. 

The trousers of the school uniform were extremely loose. Ji Wangshu pulled them off easily, and sawthat the cock that had just been ejaculated had become energetic again, and there was still dried sperm left onthe thick pubic hair and body. 

The palm of his hand circled around and moved slightly. The meat stick stood upright right under hisnose, saying hello to him. And his previous measurements were correct. Although his younger brother wasyoung, the penis on his crotch was extremely thick. Because she had never had sex yet, her penis was still cleanand pink and looked very tempting. 

He couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth, squatted down directly, raised his head and smiledsweetly at the young man, and then opened his mouth and took the guidon head into his mouth.The young man was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he couldn't help but took a step backand hit the thin partition with a loud noise. 

The person in the next cubicle was startled and knocked on thepartition twice, full of warning."What's wrong with the guy next to you? What are you doing in the toilet? There's so much noise!"

 The young man came back to his senses because of this angry scolding. He was in a subway toilet. Theremight be people in the compartments on both sides. The thin partitions had no sound insulation effect at all. Aslong as he concentrated and listened, he could still hear the water flowing outside. the sound of.But in a place like this, he was actually being fucked like this! 

The young man covered his mouth and did not dare to make a sound. He half-undressed his schooluniform pants and looked at the young man below him wrapping his red lips around his penis and licking theshaft and butt of his penis flexibly with his tongue. The originally bright face was now stained with desire andbecame particularly seductive. 

He had never seen such a beautiful face.Ji Wangshu also felt the young man's youthful reaction, and suddenly became more excited. His genitals,which had been stuffed in his pants for a day, were full of the smell of sao and sweat, mixed with Jingye'sunique smell, which was very strong. Just smelling it made his little mouth drool.

 Seeing the young mangasping in lust because his body was tense, he felt particularly satisfied.Jingye licked the hot meat stick clean, including the slightly hard hair. Instead of the thick white liquid,only the glistening saliva remained.After waiting for a while with his lips and tongue, he spit out the meat stick, licked the corners of his lipsand stood up again. 

Seeing the reluctance in the young man's eyes, he smiled, took the young man's hand andstretched it to his waist."My dear brother, can you help me take off my pants?""well."

The young man had lost the ability to think at this moment, and he was willing to do whatever JiWangshu asked him to do. 

He unbuttoned the buttons, pulled down the zipper, and took off the extremely tightjeans with a little force. He casually placed them on the hook, and then stared intensely at the only pair of thongshorts left on the young man's lower body. 

Ji Wangshu licked her fingers and slowly pushed aside the underwear between her legs in front of theboy's eyes, exposing her lower body amidst the sound of her almost stagnant breathing.

 His yinjing is not thin and small, it is even thicker and longer than that of a normal man. Because it hashardly been used, it is also a beautiful light pink color. But the most satisfying organ in his body is still hiddenbehind the penis.

 The young man stared at the pink abalone behind Yinjing and couldn't move his eyes away for a longtime.He had taken a physiology class and had a fairly clear understanding of the physiological structures ofboys and girls, so he did not expect to see two sets of male and female organs in one person. 

When Ji Wangshu saw that the young man had been stunned for a long time and could not look atanything, he was a little dissatisfied and said, "Are you scared? Or are you disgusted?" 

The boy was so frightened that he hurriedly shook his head and defended: "No, it's not disgusting, it'svery, very beautiful."I

t's pink, tender, and fleshy, how could it be disgusting?A satisfied chuckle escaped from his throat. He raised one leg and stepped on the water tank, exposinghis mouth even more completely. 

His tone was full of temptation: "Brother is a hermaphrodite." , I was when I helped you just now , how about you come and help your brother too? 

"......? The young man swallowed uncontrollably and found that not only did he not resist ,but he was also particularly curious about what it would feel like to have that meat in his mouth.

 Heknitted , filled with longing, and slowly leaned forward.As soon as he got closer, he found that the pink abalone seemed even more attractive. There seemedto be condensation on the flowers , and the faint smell on the tip of his nose set him on fire .

 Without hesitating for long, he rashly opened his mouth to cover the entire vagina ,rolled it up, hit it directly , and then swallowed it directly . 

Aha! Ji Wangshu couldn't help but scream in silence , Zhongsheng's younger brother was eatinghim , he was fucked !The young man had little experience. After staying for a while and seeing that he couldn'tcome back , he hit the meat with all his will . 

When he noticed that every time a small ball was placedon it, the young man would be particularly excited and tremble, and the flowers would spit out for him to drink.He would deliberately tease the ball with his tip from time to time , and even put the whole small ball in hismouth. Wrap it up and wear it like the same .

 "Ha~ Well, brother, don't leave your clitoris! Brother, does it taste good? Yes! Use one !"use ? The young man had a very good understanding , and he quickly understood what theyoung man meant. He vomited vigorously , imitated the sexual movements one by one, and pokedthe flowers . 

Suddenly, Zhonghua vomited even more , and the lustful smell filled her mouth. He swallowedhard, but it was still inevitable , and he followed the path of his tongue . 

Ji Wangshu was wet , riding on the young man's face and twisting constantly, wishing that theyoung man's whole face was on him . In order not to scream , he had to bite his lips to avoidbeing discovered. 

But in such a closed and quiet space, the heavy breathing sounds of the two people wereparticularly obvious, and the smacking of their lips was even louder. Fortunately, there wasno one in the iron toilet now, otherwise they would have been easily discovered. 

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