Chapter 4

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When Ji Wangshu opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in a classroom. It was probably during recess. The students were noisy and crowded, but his appearance did not attract anyone's attention.

  He looked around calmly, and through the makeup mirror placed on the table by the girl at the front desk, he could clearly see his current state. He still had the same face as himself, but he had become much younger, probably around sixteen or seventeen years old. He was wearing a baggy school uniform, and he looked a little out of place alone in the bustling classroom.

  He asked the system curiously; [You brought me here, where is the original person? ]

  [Host, rest assured, our code of conduct is to follow the principle of peaceful voluntariness. The person you replaced felt that his life was too ordinary, so he voluntarily agreed after learning about the existence of our system, and has been thrown into another time and space by us. The memory of the original owner, including his life experience, has been given to you. The pollution value can be checked at any time. The mission has officially begun. Please come on, host! 】

  Okay, Ji Wangshu recalled it in his mind. The original owner's life was indeed ordinary enough. He was simply a passerby who no one paid attention to. Not to mention that the classmates almost ignored him and didn't like to play with him. Even the teacher rarely asked him to answer questions in class. He was a complete marginal character.

  After understanding his situation and taking a look at the "0" behind the pollution value, he very motivated and began to figure out how to do the task. His eyes searched the classroom, mainly to see if there was anyone good-looking. Even if it's a task, it's not like he doesn't choose it.

  Unexpectedly, this class actually exceeded his expectations. At a glance, everyone's appearance was above the passing line, and there were several good-looking boys with different styles, which made him feel a little ready to move.

  He calmly wrote down all the boys he thought were good in his mind, and was struggling to choose, when his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise.

  He subconsciously looked back, and then his eyes lit up. He stared at the two boys who were arguing behind him, and a certain light flashed in his eyes. If what I just saw was just good, then these two are simply high-quality handsome guys.

  Although one of them looks a bit naive in temperament and a bit rustic in his dress, from his eyes, one can still see the outstanding facial features hidden under the appearance. Especially the nose, which is big and straight, and the cost there must be quite a lot.

  Ji Wangshu licked her lips and lowered her gaze, but she couldn't see anything because the school uniform was too loose. Okay, let's continue watching the show.

  But why do these two boys seem to be a couple?

  Cheng Kai pulled the clothes of the handsome boy in front of him anxiously, not even bothering to hold up the overturned trash can, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, Fei Ran, it was my fault. But I really didn't mean it, I just I was too busy training and forgot about it."

  Zhou Feiran still looked very angry. He brushed his hands off his clothes and said in a cold tone: "I can't do what I promised others, so just forgetting it is used as an excuse? Then I won't do it in the future either. I dare to ask you for help."

  Cheng Kai immediately raised his hand and swore: "No, there will never be a next time, don't worry Feiran!"

 Next, Ji Wangshu witnessed the naive boy trying to please the other person. After coaxing him down for a long time, the boy named Zhou Feiran finally seemed to be a little less angry. The classmates around me seemed to be okay with it, either chatting and studying, or just watching the fun.

  "Forget it, because it's your first time, and because Yuanyuan can't replace

  the love-hate entanglement between them. It has nothing to do with Ji Wangshu. He only covets the bodies of these two good-looking boys, especially the sports students. The

  classroom is now full of students sitting down, and some people have even laid down to go to sleep. He is the only one standing up. With a height of more than 1.8 meters, he stood there conspicuously, making the students couldn't help but take a look.

  After eating, he was also responsible for wiping the table and picking up the garbage. He really carried out the behavior of a loyal dog to the extreme and let Ji Wangshu see it. I was a little stunned.

  I saw the students who went to the cafeteria to eat came back one after another. Then it was the lunch break. Without the supervision of the teacher, the students lay on the table to rest.

  Cheng Kai, who was still hesitating, saw this and had to compromise: "Okay, I'll go out and buy it now, it's still the same as before, right? "

  After this class, it was lunch time. When he came back from eating, it was still very early. There was a beautiful girl next to Zhou Feiran in the classroom. She must be his girlfriend. Cheng Kai was originally sitting next to Zhou Feiran. Next to him, he was forced to change his position, and he was eating alone behind a young couple.

  He turned around in disbelief, only to see a particularly good-looking boy standing there. Then

  he saw Zhou Feiran nodding proudly. , the boy named Cheng Kai immediately ran out in a hurry. Not long after he went out, the class bell rang, and everyone returned to calm and started class.

  Forget it, there will be no rest at noon today, let's go for a run and exercise . Otherwise, if he stayed in the classroom all the time, not only would he feel uncomfortable watching Feiran being intimate with the girls, but standing there would make him look even stupider. But just as he was about to leave the classroom, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

  Ji Wangshu pretended He looked like he was listening attentively to the lecture, searching for these two people in his mind. After reading those memories, his expression also changed. As soon as

  Zhou Feiran heard this, his expression immediately became ugly, "No, just It's just one class. Do you, a physical education student, take too few classes just for exercise? If you don't want to, forget it, don't talk to me again! "

  So the girl didn't leave, and still occupied Cheng Kai's place to talk about love with her partner. But the owner of the place where Cheng Kai was originally sitting came back, and he could only stand up in embarrassment, not daring to go any further. Sit in another empty seat, because other classmates will come back at any time.

  For the sake of your begging, I will forgive you this time. But I don't want to eat school lunch today. Go and buy one for me and Yuanyuan. Now Just go."

  In terms of relationships, Cheng Kai and Zhou Feiran still had a script of a loyal dog and a straight man, a scumbag. Because Cheng Kai liked Zhou Feiran, he tried to please and help him in every way, and sometimes even Zhou Feiran's girlfriend Take care of it together. Even so, she still doesn't get favor from Zhou Feiran, let alone being together, not even a friend. All this time, it was Cheng Kai who silently used hot facial stickers.

Cold ass.

  Cheng Kai felt uncomfortable seeing the person he liked happily chatting with other girls and treating him like nothing. But he also knew that he had no right to be angry, because liking him was his business alone, and Feiran didn't like boys at all. And because he had just coaxed her, he didn't dare to urge the girl back to his classroom.

  Cheng Kai had a troubled look on his face: "Huh? But class is about to start,

  so I won't be able to make it in time." The classmates in the class were not surprised after such a long time. After all, the two of them were quarreling. Oh no, Zhou Feiran lost his temper unilaterally. The scene is very common, and it seems boring after watching it for a long time.

  "Cheng Kai, come over and sit next to me."

  He smiled to himself with crooked eyebrows. He was shocked, because he was stupid and not very good at studying, so he didn't know how to describe this appearance. He only knew that it was very beautiful, very beautiful, even more beautiful than Fei Ran, like a little prince, and he was stunned.

  He knew that this person seemed to be named... Ji Wangshu? But did he look like this before? Why didn't he have any impression of it?

  While he was stunned, Cheng Kai heard Fei Ran's cold voice ringing in his ears: "What are you doing standing still? Didn't you see someone asking you to come over and sit down?"

  Cheng Kai, who was stunned by the beauty with a bright smile, even He didn't have time to delve into why Feiran seemed to be angry again. He just pointed at himself with some flattery: "Me, me?"

  Ji Wangshu nodded calmly, completely ignoring most of the surprised and curious people who were attracted by his sudden voice. Looking at him, he continued: "Yeah, I think you don't have a seat. There happens to be an empty seat next to me. You can sit down first."

  Thanks to the original owner's attribute of being a common passerby in the class, the teacher didn't even assign him a deskmate. , he can usually occupy two positions by himself. So, doesn't the opportunity come now?

  Suddenly someone was so friendly and extended a helping hand to him. Cheng Kai thanked him in surprise, then walked to an empty seat and sat down. As soon as he sat down, he turned to look at the person next to him and wanted to thank him again, but suddenly he smelled a faint warm fragrance, which smelled very good. But when he tried to discern what kind of fragrance it was, he couldn't smell it anymore, as if it was just an illusion.

  Just then, the lunch break bell rang. The student who stood aside moved quickly, closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and the whole classroom immediately fell into darkness. It was really a good time to do something bad.

  The two of them were lying on the table, but they were not sleeping. Ji Wangshu turned his face to the right and asked in a low voice with some curiosity: "Cheng Kai, I see you are so good to Zhou Feiran, do you like him?"

  Cheng Kai ? Kai blushed instantly, but it was hard to tell because he had been exposed to too much sun on weekdays and his face was a little dark. He didn't expect this classmate to ask such a hot question when he first arrived, but after all, it was an established fact that everyone in the class knew, so he simply admitted it.

  "Well, I like him."

  "But..." Ji Wangshu raised his head slightly and looked at the couple diagonally behind him, "Zhou Feiran seems to like girls. He has a girlfriend."

  Cheng Kai's eyes Her eyes drooped, her blush receded, like a big injured dog, her tone was low: "I know, but I've liked him since junior high school and now, I can't control myself at all."

  Ji Wangshu sighed helplessly, With a somewhat distressed look on his face, he reached out a hand and touched the boy's cheek, "It must be hard, having been hopelessly in love with someone for so many years."

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