Chapter Thirty-Four

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Anna sat up. Early morning light poured in through the cracks in the curtains, gentle rain pattering against the glass and the morning bustle of the street below not yet serenading her wake up.

But the turn of a key in the lock certainly had.

When the front door slammed shut, Anna scrambled out of bed and darted out into the hall. It was far too early for Mathias to be back.

Yet there he was, standing by the door and breathing heavily.

His overcoat was spattered with rain, his clothes beneath wrinkled from travel and his bag dropped to the floor. Menace rolled off him in waves, his hair messed and his brow sweaty. He looked incredible, somehow more lethal than before. His tongue wet the seam of his mouth as he drank her in, his breathing getting deeper as his expression twisted with intent. She was in nothing but her night dress, her hair loose and tangled where she had forgotten to plait it last night. His machinations were clear; she was his to devour.

'Are you all right?' Anna asked, walking towards him, her bare feet slapping against the tiles.

'I took the stairs,' he gritted out as he stalked forward. 'Couldn't wait.'

'It's good to see-' she began but he'd pulled her into his arms and crushed her to his chest.

His leather gloved hand grabbed her face as his mouth claimed hers, his kiss angry and ravenous as he didn't even let her take the tiniest of breaths. His other hand twisted into her hair, the leather glove creaking as he pulled her hair taught. Drawing back from her just slightly, he let his eyes meet hers.

Anna panted out quick breaths, tracking his dark gaze with hers. His pupils were blown so wide his icy eyes had all but disappeared.

'Trousers,' he instructed.

Immediately, Anna did as she was told, her hands trembling with excitement as she fumbled with his belt. Getting it open, she undid his buttons and let his trousers fall open. He put his hand to his mouth, tugging the glove off with his teeth. Chucking it away from them, he took his cock in his hands and fisted it, his strokes aggressive and insistent.

'Open your mouth,' he instructed.

Delicately, Anna did so.

'Tongue out.'

Again, she eagerly did as she was told.

Leaning forward to her, he stuck his own tongue above hers, letting his spit drip down onto it. Anna's eyes closed for a moment, a moan escaping her. The more disgusting he was, the more excited she got.

Pushing her to her knees, Mathias looked down on her as he brushed the head of his length over her awaiting tongue. 'Coat my cock in us, pretty girl.'

Humming, Anna sucked him into her mouth, her tongue massaging down until her eyes watered.

Growling, Mathias pulled out, then shoved her to the floor so that he could cover her with his body. 'I didn't say suck, don't get greedy.' Spreading her legs, he didn't bother to pull her underwear off, simply aside.

Anna's eyes screwed shut as he pushed deep inside her, both of them crying out in a mangled scream of ecstasy. Gods how she'd missed him. Touching herself was just nowhere near as satisfying as him thrust to the hilt. His hand left her hair, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. She liked the feel of the leather against the tender skin. Everything about how he was fucking her was so decadent. They were both clothed, ruthlessly fucking in the hallway with the bedroom door open beside them.

He simply couldn't wait.

Couldn't wait to get to the bed. Couldn't wait to get undressed. Couldn't even wait to deliver any sort of promised punishment.

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