Chapter Twenty-Six

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Anna truly wished she wasn't so distracted.

She and her parents had had these tickets for months, and she'd been so looking forward to the opera. It's not even as though she could blame Mathias this time for keeping her mind elsewhere. He wasn't even here; he'd had some important meeting with some person to do with business or... she wasn't sure because she hadn't really listened. Mathias had wanted her to come along as well but she insisted that she wasn't going to miss this night with her parents. Which she did truly want.

Problem was, she couldn't focus on anything but the upcoming president's visit.

The visit was in two days, and she'd spent all week making sure the wing was in tip top shape. The multitude of chairs would be set out tomorrow, and the small stage built in front of them. Alby had insisted they go that far; it had to be spectacular.

But what if the President hated it?

What if he thought her speech was boring? What if he thought her too young to head such a project and told Alby as such? What if he thought she'd only got her job because of Mathias? What if...

'Where on earth is your head tonight, my girl?' asked her father, taking her hand under the table.

'I was about to ask the same,' said her mother. 'You've been a world away the entire time we've been here.'

Refocusing, Anna took in her surroundings. The opera house bar was beautiful. Everything was trimmed in gold; the furnishings, the architecture, even the light fittings dripped in crystals and old world opulence. The seats were all red velvet, the carpet in a similar colour with swirling gold patterns. It was truly magnificent.

And Anna only had her head buried in the dust. Again

'Sorry,' said Anna, pulling her untouched drink towards her. 'It's the visit. I can't stop thinking about it.'

Josef sighed heavily. 'Well, at least it's not Mathias.'

Kicking him under the table, Rachel shot him a glare. 'For heaven's sake.'

'I'm just saying what we're both thinking,' said Josef.

Eyeing them both levelly, Anna sucked in a deep breath to calm herself. 'I take it you're still not his biggest fans then.'

'It's just that-' Rachel began but Josef cut across.


Anna cocked an eyebrow, sitting up straighter in her seat. 'Well, look at you two switching roles. Never thought I'd see mama being the diplomat.'

Pursing her lips as she pondered, Rachel continued. 'Darling, we barely know him. He's made sure of that.'

'And what little we do know, we don't particularly like,' chimed Josef.

Huffing, Anna tried her best to quell her frustration. This wasn't exactly surprising. Mathias made no real effort with her family, so their only experience to go off was their encounter after he had stayed overnight unannounced. 'I will talk to him about trying to win you round.'

Josef snorted. 'Good luck.'

'Anyway,' said Rachel, glaring at her husband again before turning her attention back to her daughter. 'Let's not spoil our evening. Even with talk of the Presidential visit.'

Anna made to counter her.

'Darling, I know full well you wouldn't have needed to prepare anything extra, and yet you have,' assured Rachel. She swept Anna's hair from her eyes, shuffling closer to re-pin it in place. Clearly, she'd been a little careless when getting ready this evening. 'Let it go, for this evening at least.'

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