Chapter Fourteen

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Anna dialled again frantically. 'Hello? I think I got disconnected, can you put me back through to Mathias Keller at 85 Rüdersdorfer Strasse.'

'That's a restricted...'

'Yes I know, I have permission. My name is Anna Lehman. Please put me through.'

'One moment please, Frauline Lehman.'

She was becoming desperate. Why had he hung up on her? He couldn't be that angry with her for going to see Krause. Could he?

The operator clicked back though. 'I'm sorry, but you don't have permission to call that address.'

Cold flooded Anna's body, her heart pounding. 'But, I just spoke to him a moment ago!'

'I'm sorry, Frauline Lehman. You've been taken off the list. Can I call someone else for you?'

Screwing her eyes tight shut to hold in her tears, Anna let out a long breath. 'Yes, Karl Von Hart please, at 67 Cuvrystraße.'

'One moment please.'

It didn't take long for Karl to pick up.


'Karl,' Anna managed, relief washing over her. 'Thank god.'

'Anna, what's the matter? You sound awful! What's wrong?'

'Can you come and pick me up from the university?'

'The university? Why are you there little one?'

'I'll explain in a moment..' she began.

There was a heavy knock on the door. 'Anna,' barked Krause. 'Open the door.'

Anna went completely still, her heart thumping wildly. She'd locked the door. She knew she'd locked the door. He couldn't get in.

'Anna?' demanded Karl. 'Anna you're scaring me, what's going on?'

As a louder, more persistent banging sounded, Anna yelped, covering her ears. She should have just run away completely. She was so mixed up she had no idea what she was doing. 'Please come and get me Karl, I'm frightened,' she whispered.

'I'll be there as soon as I can.'

'Come to mama's office. I've locked myself in.'

'If that's Krause doing anything untoward, don't be afraid to hit him with something. I'll be with you in 20 minutes tops.'

'Thank you,' she breathed, then the line clicked off.

Another knock came again as Anna grabbed the letter opener on her mother's desk. She got to her feet, gripping it tight as she approached the door.

'Anna, for god's sake!' barked Krause. 'Stop being such a child and open the door.'

Sniffing, Anna found her grit. 'I'm not going to do that.'

'You've left your handbag in my office. Don't you want it back?'

Jaw clenched, Anna let out a long, calming breath. 'Karl is on his way here for me. You can give it to him. I assume you won't try to assault him too.'

'Assault? You want to talk about assault? You've broken my finger you little bitch.'

'Because you assaulted me with it!'

The door knob rattled, and Anna took a step back.

'Stop being a coward and open the door,' he snapped.

'Fuck you!' Anna grabbed a chair and secured it under the door knob, then sat at the far end of the room with the letter opener held in front of her.

'Anna!' Krause barked, still trying to get in.

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