Chapter Fifteen

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Anna stared up at the Berlin Morgen Post sign brandished over the huge entrance way to the towering building. Each letter was highly polished, gleaming in the late September sun. It was the opulence she had come to expect from the Kellers, but particularly Mathias. Nothing was merely functional; everything had to be ostentatious.

Making her way through the double doors, Anna went to the large reception desk where two women sat. One of them looked up at her and smiled.

'Good morning,' Anna said cordially. 'My name is Doctor Anna Lehman, I was hoping to...'

'Are you here to see Herr Keller?' she asked with a knowing smile.

'Yes,' said Anna hesitantly.

'Thought so. I recognised you from yesterday's paper,' she said, her eyes scanning Anna. 'You looked beautiful. No wonder he eulogised about you.'

Blushing, Anna smiled back. 'Thank you. Is he free at the moment?'

'I'm sure he will be for you, Doctor Lehman. Just pop into the elevator there and go straight to the top. His assistant, Myra, will take you through.'

'Thank you so much,' said Anna, heading to the lift.

That was easier than expected.

As the elevator hurried her up, she took a calming breath. All she had to do was apologise for going to see Krause. This had to be a simple miscommunication. Then again, did she want to pursue someone who so flippantly cast her aside?

She really didn't know anymore. All she knew with certainty is that she wanted answers.

The doors opened and took her into a quiet, marble reception area. There was one door off to the left. Clearly, it was just his office on this floor. There was a sofa and low table on the opposing side, several up to date copies of the paper fanned over the top. A lone reception desk at across from the lift, a beautiful blonde woman typing something on a typewriter. Myra. As Anna approached, Myra's welcoming smile turned immediately to a tight lipped stare.

'Good Morning,' said Anna. 'I'm Doctor...'

'I know who you are,' she said, her voice terse. 'Herr Keller is busy at the moment. You'll have to come back later.'

'I'll wait,' said Anna firmly, wandering to the sofa and taking a seat.

Myra glared at her, shooting to her feet. 'He's too busy to see you. You need to leave.' This woman was practically shaking with rage. That couldn't just be because Anna had barged in. Either way, Myra wasn't about to escort her to his office.

'I see,' said Anna, getting back to her feet. Before Myra could say anything, Anna hurried towards the door, and went to find his office. She stormed down the corridor, ignoring Myra as she continued to protest. Anna had to know what was in his head; she would not be ignored or denied any longer.

Throwing open the door, Anna stepped through the doorway.

Mathias looked up from his papers, his face twisting from shock to amusement almost instantly. 'Well hello little cuckoo bird.'

Before Anna could answer, Myra had caught up to her.

'I'm so sorry, Herr Keller,' she breathed, pushing past Anna. 'She just slipped past me...'

'Of course she did,' said Mathias, rising to his feet. 'Leave us.'

Myra wrinkled her little nose in confusion. 'But Sir...'

'Get out,' he enunciated clearly, his eyes narrowed in threat.

She scurried away, Anna closing the door with a loud deliberate thud. 'Nice to know it's not just me you're rude to.'

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