Chapter Twenty-Three

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'Let me get on my knees for you, little cuckoo bird,' Mathias murmured, kissing just below her ear with slow and deliberate precision.

He knew exactly how to lure her and it was taking every effort to resist him.

'For the last time,' she giggled, trying to swat him away, 'you're not pleasuring me in my office.'

Grumbling, Mathias only doubled down his efforts, leaning against her back and trying to take her pen from her hand.

'I've already snuck off for lunch with you!' she pointed out, turning in her chair to look at him. 'We're out for dinner tonight. You can wait...'

'But Karl will be there,' he pointed out as he stood up, tilting her chin up towards him. 'It's not exactly like I can have you coming on my tongue in front of him, now is it?'

Blushing, Anna couldn't help but tip her head back against his stomach, humming in contentment as his thumb brushed against her throat. All of these little touches made her entire body shiver. This sort of affection was what she had always craved; the small brushes of skin on skin; the tender intimacy that only lovers could have. 'We've got all night as well, you know.'

'And you know that it's never going to be enough,' he sighed, planting a kiss to the top of her head. His fingers curled around her hair for a moment, running it between. Then he strolled around her desk and slumped into the chair opposite her, groaning as he stretched and settled in.

'Don't you have work to do?' Anna asked, a small smile on her face.

'Trying to get rid of me?' he asked, equally as amused.

'Of course not. But you're an important man who runs an empire.'

Mathias snorted. 'Everyone at the office has seen you. They think it's a miracle I come in at all nowadays.'

Sighing, Anna looked at the time. It was still only 2PM. 'I suppose I could duck out a little earlier today, seeing as its Friday.'

'Wonderful! Shall we go now?'

She went back to scribbling over her research notes. 'I meant at about 4:30, Mathias.'

'That's only half an hour earlier! And you were in at least an hour early today...'

Wetting the seam of her mouth, Anna looked up at him. 'Yes, well since you and I became an official item, I don't feel like I've got a whole lot of work done.'

'And I bet prior to me, you were a good few months ahead of everything,' he said, leaning closer. 'What's a few weeks compared to that?'

Anna didn't relent, but she did continue to grin. It really had only been a glorious month since she had first stayed at his apartment for the weekend. Now, it was routine for her to do so. Not that didn't see one another most nights anyway. They were entirely inseparable.

Something Karl had pointed out earlier that week.

Freddie had started going with him on his weekly cinema trips. Mathias' devotion to Anna had rather freed up Freddie's schedule much to Karl's excitement. But still, her best friend was rather wound up that Anna hadn't spared him any time over the past month. Something that Anna planned to rectify this evening.

'Have you considered what your obstinance means, sweet girl?' Mathias asked, his tone soft yet laced with depravity.

Without looking up, Anna chuckled. 'Punishment?'

'Correct. Something that you don't seem to be taking very seriously at all.'

Finally, their eyes met. Mathias grin was dark and teasing. He most assuredly had disgraceful plans for her tonight.

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