"You ate something today?" - Daisy asked, completely changing the subject

An even more resigned look crossed Emily's face, but the gray-haired woman couldn't do anything else but play Daisy's game or she would never gain her trust. It was a sick struggle in which one desperately sought the other's trust in order to destroy each other, but neither of them imagined that the other's intention was also the same as their own.

"No, I had breakfast this morning though, after someone reminded me that it's important to have it." - said Emily

"It's after eight p.m. Emily, you haven't eaten anything today. Come and I'll make you something." - Daisy said, motioning for Emily to follow her into the huge kitchen

Daisy had never been very good at cooking, but since she was in high school and had moved to another city, far from her parents, she necessarily had to learn and by now she was managing a little. Her only problem in that moment was that since she was fifteen she was on a vegan diet and she hadn't the foggiest idea if Emily will like the things in her fridge and pantry.

"We could do something else instead of cooking and eating." - said Emily, who wrapped her arms around Daisy's waist, who was intent on looking at what she had in the refrigerator

"You're going to need energy for what I have in mind for you tonight, so you're eating."- Daisy told her, freeing herself from Emily embrace and starting to prepare a pasta dish with fresh tomato

When it was ready Daisy placed the pasta on the table for both of them and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling too big at the way Emily was so clearly struggling, her eyes fastened on her cleavage. Emily gave it another few moments but in the end she reached for the food.

She was starving, she hadn't realized how hungry she was until she took the first bite of the pasta Daisy had cooked. The younger agent turned on the TV, letting the screen fill the apartment with sound as they sat comfortably together in silence.

She kept a watchful eye on her boss because she had realised that that was one of the days when Emily was stressed and tired not from a case but because of red tape and bureaucracy. She always forgot to eat, always forgot to take care of herself, it wasn't hard to notice it from her appearance.

The movie, neither of them were paying much attention to, continued to play when Daisy got up to clear the table. When she came back she stood behind her boss and her fingers rested on her shoulders. Emily turned to look up at her and Daisy smiled at the way her face was already so much more relaxed.

"You feeing better, Emily?"

"Much, thank you."

Emily smiled when Daisy leaned over the back of the chair and kissed her, her tongue sweeping over her bottom lip for a moment before standing up again. She sucked in a breath when Daisy's hand moved from her shoulder to her jaw, guiding her to look back at the TV.

Daisy heard the sharp intake of air as she pressed soft kisses along Emily's pale skin, her teeth sinking gently into the old flesh over her pulse and then she soothed the bite with her tongue. She kept her eyes on Emily who was already squirming from her proximity alone.

"What do you want now?"

"You." - Emily's reply was instant, her fingers gripping the chair to keep from reaching behind her.

"That's not very informative." - She brushed her lips along Emily's jaw, her hand moving to hold her throat gently.

"I want you, let me touch you." - It was barely a whine, her voice low and breathy and Daisy felt an ache between her thighs at the way she gave in to her so easily.

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