Chapter 17.2: So paint it all black

Start from the beginning

"SJ1 TGLabs combat stimulant injector..." He read and looked back up at the group doing their work, everyone except the one named Akula was slaughtering the goons. "Alright men let's go in and join in on the action." Godfather ordered and his men rushed in. The bloodbath was immense, the dead were the lucky ones, the living on the other hand were subjected to a painful final moments on Oum's green remnant. Because of their aura's healing factors which only really worked against small injuries and blunt damage it was healing their wounds but due to the severity of the damage the aura healed over horrible wounds.

Flesh wrapping itself trying to heal over fractured sharp bones, sealing in bullets still stuck inside or unable to close up bleeds. Texas reached the bar sliding down into cover giving him time to catch his breath, the stimulant helped with his endurance and stamina but that still wasn't infinite. The group had spread out enough around the night club to find their target and clear the area out better, it wasn't so big so they were always in reach of each other plus seems like GAUL had begun moving in.

He gets a feel of the amount of magazines he still has on his rig having dropped completely empty ones on the ground for faster reloads to which about half had been used up already. Before he could gauge the amount of bullets left in the current magazine 3 more goons come up at the bar having seen him take cover there.

"There he is! Get the fucker!" He looks and 2 of them have swords while the last one has a pistol. The sword guys were charging him mindlessly so he popped out and dumped the rest of the bullets in the magazine into one. He falls dead on the ground with the bullets going through his aura, the other one continues charging him screaming a war cry full of vigour. Quickly he drops his rifle letting the sling hold it up and draws his FN Five-seven into his chest.





3 bullets into the charging man's chest was enough to stop him while the last one went into the head of the man with the pistol too slow to react. Texas reloads his weapons and moves up, from one of the backrooms a large amount of gangsters appear carrying guns, swords and some blunt weapons like bats. The group is too large for him to gun down alone and the others were still fighting so he pulls out a impact grenade and tosses it at the group huddled together. The grenade goes of on one of the guys and maims the most of them with shrapnel, the combined voices of their groans echo in pain.

But they weren't dead yet so Texas may dumps the pile of dead bodies in the doorway ending their suffering. He next vaults down to the dance floor since the bar was on a elevated platform falling next to Moron who had finished killing some more of the gang members.

"Any sign of the twins or the guy we have to arrest?" He asks while reloading his RD-704.

"No not yet, just these red suit guys."

Floridaman and Akula walk up to them joining the conversation.

"How's your arresting been going?" Texas asks Akula who looks away in embarrassment, it seems that he didn't arrest anyone after all in fact his knuckles seem to be bruised having punched someone in the face most likely.

"Right we need to flush out his guy how about we go look for him in the back together?" Floridaman suggests.

"Hmmm alright yea sure, what about GAUL" Texas responded.

"Arresting some guys..." Floridaman takes a few steps towards the stairs leading our of the dance floor pit to a level were there would be access to the back rooms but swiftly he is kicked in the face hard enough to send him flying into the ground. The assailant who had committed the act rolls on the ground and onto her feet perfectly. It was one of the twins, specifically the white one joined by the red one walking up next to her.

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