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Mae called Jamie crying on the way home the previous night while in the car with the rest of the wranglers. She was upset and angry and lets be honest two late nights of partying would surely make anybody over fucking tired. She wasn't allowed to go bail out Beth so she wouldn't let Jamie hang up the phone until he promised her that he would get their sister out of it, no matter what. Jamie couldn't find it in himself to say no to Mae and he knew that John would ask the same of him when he eventually found out, so he assured his little sister that he would get Beth out of jail. 

Mae, Rip and Ryan all walked into the house that night with the hope that John was already asleep but they found him and Carter awake playing cards. 

"Carter, go upstairs," Rip nodded his head in the direction of the stairs and John sighed. He knew that something wasn't right. 

"What the fuck happened now?" John asked as he stared at the three. He could make out Mae's tired, angry and sad expression. Ryan and Rip's tense and worried looks and the absence of his eldest daughter made a pit form in his stomach. 

"Daddy," Mae started as she wrung her hands together in front of her, Ryan tightened his hold on her waist, "There was a bar fight and Beth was arrested." 

John ran his hands down his face and sighs as he looks between the three of them, "Rip explain to me what the fuck happened. Ryan, go make Mae some hot chocolate so she can calm down and Mae, go to bed. You're practically dead on your feet." 

Ryan nodded and left for the kitchen and Mae walked up to John and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her forehead and tightened his hold on her. 

"I already have Jamie on this," Mae told him and he nodded at her, "Good night, Daddy." 

"Night, Sweetheart." 

Mae walked past Rip and squeezed his shoulder as she passed him to walk up the stairs. 

"Are you okay? Where's Beth?" Carter asked as Mae was about to walk into her room. 

"It's just been a long day, Chubby. Beth will be back tomorrow," Mae assured as she kissed his cheek, "Now, go to bed before Rip finds you awake." 

Mae walked into her room and soon enough Ryan joined her. She got dressed into one of his shirts and happily took the mug from him. 

"You've been more worked up about this than I expected. I don't mean for this to come off as rude but this surely can't be the first time Beth has been arrested," Ryan stated carefully as he climbed into the bed next to her. 

Mae chuckled, "Definitely not. I just- it's Kayce's baby's funeral tomorrow. He texted me about it and I just - I'm struggling with it more than I expected. They didn't deserve to have their baby taken from them, especially not like that." 

Ryan brought her closer to him and kissed her head, "No, they didn't. Nobody does but it happened and they're strong people. Just like you. You're all going to get through this. They'll get through this because I know you, you won't let them fall." 

Mae nodded and sipped some of the warm drink, "It just seems like my family is suffering more and more each year that passes and I'm so scared of what the future for us holds. Beth always said that Dutton women don't live past forty and it's starting to look like her words might be true." 

Ryan shook his head, "We're going to be eighty and chasing each other around the nursing home in wheel chairs, Darlin'." 

Mae snorted at his comment and he grinned down at the smile on her face before continuing, "Everybody goes through hard times. Hell, you've been through more than most, this entire family has but we're going to get our happily ever after. We just have to keep hoping and having faith in us and in our future." 

A Gambling Man // Ryan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now