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My comfort😌🦋✨

Author's pov

Jungkook gets shocked and stammers while telling the driver, "Uncle, ex-girlfriend."

The driver mentions, "Yes, they were together for many years. Because of them, Taehyung left home and shifted to his own apartment. I never liked that girl Due to that girl, Namjoon sir had to undergo heart surgery, but then I don't know, they eventually separated.."

Jungkook, hesitatingly, asks, "Why did he leave home?"

the driver said, "Maybe Kim sirs didn't approve of this relationship. She was a model, after all and very spoilt girl she was very rude."

the driver says, " you didn't know, about this ?' Jungkook, he shakes his head in disbelief."

Jungkook takes out his phone and searches for Jennie on the internet, reading articles about her.

'The famous model Kim Jennie got married at the age of 28 to the 53-year-old famous producer Lee Hyun Ji in Italy. Check out the photos.'

'Why Jennie chose to marry a man 25 years older than her.here is why'

Jungkook is shocked to learn that she has also gotten married, and he wonders why no one ever told him, especially about his ex-girlfriend.

Just then, a car pulls up to the mansion. Jungkook steps out, feeling uneasy as he enters. Jin smiles and approaches, saying, "Come on, son, fetch some water."

Jin asks, " Did you both enjoy ?"Jungkook replies,"He sent greetings to everyone."

Jin says, "Jimin and Yoongi are here, and Taehyung is getting fresh. I'll served dinner soon . Is that okay?"

Jungkook nods, and just then, Yoonmin comes out of their room. Jimin hugs Jungkook, who thinks, "He never told me either."

Then, Taehyung also comes downstairs and says, "Let's have dinner."

So everyone sits at the dining table. Jungkook is lost in thought, and Jimin says, "Appa, tell us about Dad's school girlfriend." Taehyung adds, "I want to know too."

Jin says, "Your dad was..." but Namjoon interrupts, "No, please, Jimin pleads, "No, no, we want to know please"

Jin says, "I will tell," and looks at Jungkook, who responds, "Yes, I want to know too."

Jin continues, "When your dad was 17, he had a girlfriend. She broke up with him, calling him a nerd and boring. Namjoon was so upset that he was about to cut his hand with a sharpener. His parents caught him and scolded him and beat him that day." Every one burst out laughing

Everyone starts laughing, and Namjoon says, "That was my first girlfriend, that's why."

Jin adds, "You know, on the first day of college, there was seniors who wanted to rag him. I saved him; otherwise, he would have had to dance in lipstick and maid's clothes."

Taehyung says, "Seeing Dad, everyone would drop out of college in fear," and laughter erupts once again.

Then, Jimin says, "Jungkook, you know when Yoongi and I got married, and we came home at night, Yoongi in the middle of it says, 'Please, Jimin,' and Taehyung, with a laugh, says, 'Why not? Jungkook wants to hear it too,' and looks at Jungkook with a smile."

 Jungkook asks, "What happened?" Yoongi replies, "Why not," and Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand, saying, "We both want to hear it, and so do Appa and Dad."

Observing Taehyung talking normally and holding Jungkook's hand, Namjin couple and Yoonmin couple sit there with sweet smiles.

Jimin shares, "When we arrived home that night, the doorbell rang. A boy entered, crying, grabbed Yoongi by the collar, and said, 'How could you do this to me?' Yoongi pushed him away and asked, 'Min Jun, why are you here?'

He said, "If not me, then who will come? I am your love," and started crying. Then, he looked at me angrily, and he was about to attack me. That's when Taehyung grabbed him. I knew him; he's Yoongi's ex, the one who left Yoongi five years ago.

Jungkook said, "Then?" and Jimin continued, "we spent the whole night trying to explain to him. My first night got ruined," he said while pouting.

Taehyung laughs and says, "jimin hyung thought that hyung's love had awakened, and Yoongi Hyung goona divorce him. That's why he started crying too."

Yoongi says, " so I explained him that Min Jun was in the past; you're my present. Besides, me and min hun were only together for a month."

Jimin says, "I was wondering what would happen at that time." Jungkook replies, "In my opinion, if someone still loves their ex even after marriage, they should let them go. We can't beg love from someone, and what's the point of marriage without love?"

Everyone looks at Jungkook in surprise, and even Taehyung seems a bit startled. Jungkook asks, "Did I say something wrong?"

Jin says, "But can't we wait for our partner to love us?" Jungkook responds, "We can wait, but we can't beg for love like it's a charity."

Namjoon intervenes, "Why are we start discussing serious matters? Let's eat." They all have dinner,

Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear, "is it hell or heaven?" Yoongi softly replies, "Heaven, because everyone is home." Then, Jimin stands up, bows, and heads to his room.

Then, Yoongi also gets up and goes inside, while Jin, lost in his thoughts, remains seated.

Then, everyone goes to their respective rooms.

Yoongi enters his room, and when he sees Jimin lying shirtless, something stirs in his pants.

'so needy baby' yoongi asked in deep voice jimin replies " just fuck me I want you suga'

After that, they started to make love.


here we go with short chapter i'm sorry i'll try to write a long chapter with 2000 words 

the character i use as jennie take it just a character I'm not hating someone 

after all it's just fiction so enjoy 😉 

✌️ bye bunnies don't catch cold 

love yourself💜

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