Chapter 22: The 8th Servant

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"M-Master? What!?" Artoria looked at me with shock and panic visible on her expression, she clearly was confused by what just happened.

"Your next line is. What is going on here?" I said using [Mind Rope] future seeing ability letting him see 2 seconds into the future.

"What is going on here?" She said before letting out a gasp of shock, I chuckled seeing her expression.

"We'll talk later. The other servant is approaching." I rushed out of the shed, jumped up high, and saw the Saber servant running with a black-haired teen.

Chaos Control

Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the sword wielded by Takeru Yamato the Saber Servant of this Holy Grail War. I wonder, should I have an honorable dual using Gramp's power or use my other Class to snipe her from afar?


"Watch out Master!" Yamato pushed her master back raising her blade to block the strike from the blade in my hand, the ground cracked from the force of my swing.

"GAHHH!" Takeru let out a painful yell now on the ground and underneath my blade. I could see her hands shaking after trying to block a strike from Balmung the sword used by Kriemhild that once belonged to Siegfried.

"Heh? I don't remember Saber Servant being this weak!" I stomp my foot down at her guts making her scream, knocking the wind out of her, and her defense break as the tips of Balmung reach closer to her head.

"STOP!" Artoria's voice rang out behind him, Fate felt his body freeze at her order. Adjusting the angle letting the blade stab beside her head drawing a bit of blood from the cut on her cheek.

"Master..." I grunted lifting my head to look back at my master who was gasping for air feeling the pain on her hand as she unknowingly used one of her command seals. "Do you have any idea how valuable those are!?" I said through gritted teeth grinding my boot deeper into Saber's guts making her scream trying to push my foot off her. My master just pulled one of the idiots thing that one could do in a Holy Grail War, waste your command seal.

"Pendragon?" A voice calls out as I look back to the enemy master, seeing a black-haired girl with twin tails, and blue eyes, wearing a red shirt and black skirt with black leggings.

"Tohsaka?" My master said back, Tohsaka huh? Now that would explain the look and somewhat flat chest. Not to mention the amount of magic energy she was packing behind her back while my master barely gave me any magic energy. 'Meaning I am pulling from my own reserve.'

"What did you expect from my pathetic sister?" Morgan appears in astral form next to me with her arms crossed as she glares at Artoria. Her sudden appearance somewhat shocks me as I turn toward her and she looks back at me.

"We need to talk."

And just like that the five, counting Morgan Astral find themselves in the Pendragon residence. They decide to have a ceasefire the two masters sit opposite each other at the dining table, their servants sit next to them.

"Let's start with the introduction," Tohsaka said before placing a hand on her chest. "I'm Rin Tohsaka, the heir to the Tohsaka family, one of the main families for this Fifth Holy Grail War."

"Holy Grail War?" Artoria said while tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"To put it simply, 7 magus will summon a heroic spirit, heroes from different points in space and time, to fight in a death match for a golden cup that may, or may not grant you a wish." Fate said nonchalantly giving his Master, a fourth-rate magus, the simplest explanation possible. His focus is on the heroic spirit that is bound to his soul.

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