Second Chance, Pt 1

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Camila groaned as she sat in the New York traffic. It was pouring with rain outside and she could barely see how far away she was from the restaurant. She sent a quick text to Shawn, knowing that she was going to be late. He had texted her earlier saying he wanted to meet her at 'their spot' and she instinctively knew where he meant. She wasn't exactly sure why he wanted to meet with her, but after their breakup she loved any moment she could to spend with him. She looked behind her to see Kenzie fast asleep in her car seat, but knew that she was going to be wide awake when she saw her daddy.

After 20 minutes, she finally got out of the traffic and found a decent parking spot outside the restaurant. It was a small Italian place that they both loved and ate at almost every weekend when they first moved to New York. They found it when they both forgot their key for the apartment and had to wait for Karen, who had a spare one, to fly down from Pickering. You would never know it was there if you hadn't looked past the high end shops and expensive restaurants.

Camila finally strutted in the restaurant with Kenzie on her hip, her hair and clothes slightly wet from the rain and saw Shawn waiting for her in the corner table, the one they always sat in. He immediately smiled when he saw her and sat up to pull her chair out for her and take Mackenzie from her arms. Camila didn't miss the way his whole face lit up when he got his hands on his baby girl. "Hey, how are you?" Camila said, stroking the baby's little foot in her onesie as she cooed excitedly at her daddy.

"I'm great, thanks for meeting me by the way." He smiled warmly. He turned his attention back to the baby in his arms and pulled her close, kissing her face over and over as Mackenzie squealed in happiness. It was moments like this Camila loved, watching him interact with the most precious thing in their lives. He really was the best dad in the world.

He gently placed Kenzie in her high chair, keeping his hand on the attached plastic table for her to play with his fingers. He looked back up at Camila to see her smiling at the pair. When she looked into his eyes though, she lost complete control and the world seemed to disappear around her. His deep, loving brown eyes were just like Kenzie's. Every time she looked into them she was left with butterflies and the bitter memory of their breakup...

Camila had spent the past month tucked up in bed, crying her eyes out. No matter how much eye cream she had put on, nothing had stopped her eyes from looking red and puffy from all the tears. But who did she have to impress anymore? The only one person she had ever been in love with, left her. She just spent the days throwing up in the bathroom. Maybe she was throwing up because the thought of him actually leaving made her sick to her stomach. It was only when she saw an unopened box of tampons from the other month, when she realized that she was late. Maybe her throwing up each day was for a different reason.

No, she thought, Shawn and I always used protection. But then she remembered the few nights they were a little drunk and maybe forgot all about it. To put her mind at ease, she went to the drugstore to get a few tests, even though she was sure she wouldn't be pregnant, she couldn't be. She finally called her best friend Emma, after not going on her phone at all for the month since they'd broken up. She hadn't wanted to look at it after she had called Shawn and it turned out he changed his number. Also, going on her phone meant that she had to see him change his status from 'in a relationship' to 'single'.

All Camila said to Emma on the phone is 'There's an emergency, get here now', and she had come to New York straight away. After telling her about the breakup with Shawn and crying on her shoulder for 2 hours, Emma had put her foot down, and told her to take the test.

"No..I'm too scared, let's just do it later." Camila mumbled, wiping some tears away with her sleeve.

"Camila, if you don't do it now, you won't ever do it. Besides, did you see Maddie's recent?"

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