My Moon - Part Three

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Thanksgiving had always been a bittersweet time for Camila. She loved every one of the stereotypical commodities that came as a given with the fall season; the rust colored leaves on the ground, the scarves and the big coats, and of course her pumpkin spiced lattes that she could get from every single Manhattan corner. She even loved parts of Thanksgiving day itself – what was better as a child than stuffing herself full with her Mom's turkey before collapsing back on the sofa to make room for three rounds of dessert?

But despite the festivities, the endorsed gluttony and the cosiness that came with the burning fire in her living room after being out in the cold of the night, something had always been missing.

This year, as she lounged in her childhood home, with a sleeping three-week-old baby on her chest and a doting husband holding them both close, she'd at last figured out what that missing something was; a real, complete, proper family.

And for the first time in her life, she finally had one to be thankful for.

Despite the craziness of the past three weeks, having their newborn baby girl at home had made Camila realize her heart could be fuller than she'd ever thought possible. No amount of crying, or lack of sleep could change her belief that having a baby was the best thing to ever happen to her and Shawn.

But still though, she would be grateful if her heart stopped that nervous thumping every time her baby cried and she panicked for a moment that she didn't know what to do. Would that instinctive desire to protect and take away any pain from her baby ever go away? As she craned her head to look down at the bundle in her arms, she knew the answer was probably not. "Hey now," She hushed, "What's wrong with you my little Lulu?" Camila cooed down at the squirming baby who had just awoken from her slumber and was clearly about to test her parents with a post-nap crying display. In a matter of seconds, Luna's squirming had escalated into squealing, and Camila sat up and turned to face an irritatingly calm looking Shawn on the couch beside her, "What's wrong with her?" She worried, "She's already been fed and she's had more naps than I've had all year."

"Maybe she needs winding," Shawn suggested with a reassuring smile, "She ate her lunch pretty quick," He murmured, sliding one of his hands under his daughter so as to lift her from Camila's arms, "Here."

Camila pouted as she let Shawn take Luna from her – but as much as she feigned annoyance at the fact that Shawn often had a good inclination as to what their daughter needed, she really loved the way in which he'd taken so naturally to being a Daddy. She really thought the two of them together were incredible; it only made her fall deeper and deeper in love with him. And if that wasn't enough, any mild annoyance that she might have been feeling towards her husband was immediately alleviated when their bundle projectile vomited all down the front of his baby blue button-up shirt.

She hated that shirt. She loved her daughter.

Camila raised her eyebrows at the sight in front of her, "Definitely needed winding."

Shawn shook his head as he smiled, "Don't laugh, I thought you liked this shirt." He looked down to see that his daughter had spoiled more than just one of their outfits, "It's all over her new dress too."

"I loved your shirt," She pouted, doing little to swoop in and try and rectify the situation. She was far more put out about the precious pink cashmere dress she'd chosen for Luna that morning, "I spent ages on that outfit," Camila mumbled as she rolled her eyes in response, "Give her to me and I'll go change her."

Shawn looked like he was about to give into Camila's request for a second, before a small smirk crept upon his face and he pursed his lips in order to supress a full on smile. "Uh, no, you sit here. I've got the perfect solution to the problem."

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