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Smut Warning!

Camila had never liked Mondays; they'd always been her least favorite day of the week, and that certainly didn't change when she moved to New York. She had classes with an awful professor at college, Shawn finished work two hours later than usual, and she was always tired because she could never quite get to sleep on time on Sundays. But this Monday in particular was turning out to be just a little more stressful than she could handle.

Her Mom was coming to stay for one week, and as much as she loved her, the timing couldn't have been any more inappropriate. It wasn't like Camila had a choice in the matter – Sinu had called her early that morning with the news that she was already on her way. She'd originally planned to visit that weekend, but had unexpectedly been given one week off of work due to renovations at the office and couldn't help but jump at the opportunity to take a surprise trip to Tribeca.

"Can't you come back here in your lunch break and clean the kitchen?" Camila shouted to Shawn from her position at her dressing table.

"No," Came Shawn's reply from the small bathroom adjoining to their bedroom, "I won't have time to eat and clean, can't you?"

"Shawn!" Sighed Camila, exasperated. She swivelled on her stool so that she was facing the closed bathroom door, "Open up, I need to talk to you." Her stress levels were at their maximum, and she didn't know if she could handle having to clean another room in the apartment while simultaneously tackling her college work and thinking about what she was going to cook for dinner that evening.

Five seconds later, the door crept open and Camila was greeted by the sight of a shirtless Shawn, standing in his underwear with very messy bed hair. She almost smiled. Almost. "Yes?" He enquired, quirking an eyebrow.

Camila was now doing her best puppy-dog eyes - they almost always worked on him. "I just cleaned the rest of the apartment and I really need my lunch break to finish a paper that's due tomorrow. Please do it for me?"

Blowing a huff of air through his cheeks, Shawn moved into the bedroom, "Baby, your mom won't care about-"


He couldn't resist those big eyes and her pouting lips any longer. "Fine."

Camila clapped her hands triumphantly, before standing up with a huge grin plastered across her face. Walking towards Shawn, she reached her hands up to cup his cheeks, and planted a sloppy kiss on his mouth once she was close enough to do so. "Thank you," She smiled against his lips, her nose nuzzling his. "I just want this visit to be perfect. It's the first time that my mom's seen us living together, seen our place, and I want her to know that this was the best decision I ever made."

She felt him smile back, "Hmm, I would only sacrifice my food for you." He pecked her lips once more, before removing his hands from their position on Camila's waist and returning to the ensuite. "What time is she getting here anyway?" He asked, attempting to smooth out his ruffled hair with his fingers.

"She said she'd be here by four," Camila replied simply, before pressing her lips together to even out the bright red shade of lipstick that she'd just applied, "But I know my mom and she's always early."

"It's gonna be fine," Shawn tried to reassure her, "I'll come home on my break and make sure everything's ready, you just get your paper done and come back after your last class to meet your mom. I finish at five today so I'll be back in plenty of time for dinner."

By this time Camila had made her way into the bathroom, and stood behind Shawn with her hands around his waist. "Thank you," She mumbled against his skin as she pressed a soft kiss against his back, "I love you."

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