The Servant and Prince, Part 3

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Shawn was woken up by the sun light streaming through the wooden door. He looked down at Camila who was sleeping next to him with his arms wrapped around her. Then he looked at Manny who was asleep next to Camila in his cot. Their first night with him had been good, he had woken for feeds a few times, but quickly settled after it. Shawn had insisted on staying with Camila and helping in any way he could.

"Morning." Camila whispered as she woke up.

"Morning." He whispered back, kissing her on the lips. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good." She smiled, kissing him back. She looked outside and noticed the sun was up. "You should go.. the King and Queen will be looking for you."

He sighed, knowing she was right. "I promise I'll come back as soon as I can."

Camila looked down and tried to hold back the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, lifting her face up gently with his hand.

"You're marrying Malory." She sobbed as he pulled her into his chest.

"Trust me Camila, I am not." He replied one last time, kissing her forehead.

He left the small house a few minutes later and nodded at Brian who was walking up and down the street, keeping his eye on Camila's house. He nodded back, keeping his hand firmly on the sword at his side.

Shawn entered his chambers to find his servants and the queen pacing around his bedroom.

"Where have you been?" She bellowed.

Shawn just stared at her in complete disgust. She had threatened Camila and their innocent baby.
The queen had noticed his absence from the dance when everyone had started to leave. She instantly scanned the room for Camila and noticed her absence as well. She ran to the window in time to see Shawn walk across the courtyard with Camila by his side carrying a baby.

Her original plan had been to threaten Camila so she never spoke to Shawn again but make him watch his child grow, putting him through torture. That clearly didn't work though as Shawn had spent the night with her and the baby.

She just glared back at Shawn and started walking towards the door.

"Make sure you're in the hall in ten minutes." She said as she left.

Shawn sighed as the servants started changing him into his clothes for the wedding.

He entered the hall ten minutes later to find all of the guests in their seats. There was lords and ladies from both his and Mallory's kingdom and her family.

He made his way up to the top where the priest stood talking to the King and Queen. He still didn't know how he was going to stop the wedding. He didn't want to make a big scene in front of everyone but he couldn't go through with it.

Before he could do anything, he was shoved into place by the Queen as she took her place next to the King with their crowns on their heads. The music started and Mallory entered the hall and started walking up the isle beside her father.

She was dressed in a white lace dress and her hair was curled perfectly. All the make up and jewels and finest materials were nothing compared to the beauty Camila held in just her tatty dress.

Mallory reached him and stood opposite, smirking at him. Shawn was about to speak when Brian bursted through the doors. He was panting and had a bloody nose.

"They've taken her." He shouted, looking straight at Shawn.

"What?" Shawn asked, leaving Mallory and making his way down the steps.

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