Seating herself before the dressing table, Astelle allowed Hannah to gently release her hair from its constraints.

"Would you like me to prepare some tea before you head for a bath?" Hannah asked, concern etched in her gaze as she observed Astelle's pallid complexion. Just as Astelle was about to nod in agreement, a sharp voice pierced the air from beyond the door.


The familiar call belonged to none other than Astelle's father, the Duke of Reston.

"Astelle! Where are you?" the urgency in his voice resonated through the door.

Astelle rose to her feet, her untethered hair cascading down her back as she prepared to confront her father.

With resolve, Astelle strode forward and swung the door open, revealing herself in the hallway.

"I'm here."

Her father, ascending the stairs, halted at the sight of Astelle. Behind him, Fritz hurriedly followed suit.

"Astelle," her father, the Duke of Reston, entered her room, visibly agitated. His teeth ground together in frustration.

"What on earth were you thinking, wandering about at this hour?" His voice carried an edge. "Explain yourself! How dare you leave the banquet without my authorization, especially after what happened!"

"Must I seek your permission every time I return to the mansion?" Astelle asked, her tone poised despite the brewing tension. She was well aware she no longer held familial ties, having been cast out from the family.

The Duke's face twisted with an evident desire to lash out at Astelle.

"Is it true?" His voice rose in impatience. "Is that child truly your son?"

Fritz interjected, attempting to halt his father's escalating temper. "Father, please, enough."

Despite the tension mounting in the room, Astelle remained resolute and composed. She couldn't fathom why the Duke was repeating questions he had seemingly heard earlier.

"Yes, as you heard in the banquet hall," she reiterated calmly. "Theor is indeed my son."

A frigid hush engulfed the room, intensifying the already palpable strain hanging in the air.

The Duke stood momentarily dumbfounded by the revelation, his expression initially stunned before a wave of fury swept over his features.

"This... this filth...!" His words, laced with anger, dripped with disdain.

"Father." Fritz's voice cut through the Duke's tirade, his expression steely and resolute. "If you dare insult my sister, I won't stand for it."

Astelle was surprised to see her usually calm and composed older brother confront their father in such a way. It was a moment that had never happened before in their lives, something completely unexpected.

"What's this? What did you say?" The Duke's voice resonated with disbelief.

"I warned you not to disrespect Astelle," Fritz reiterated firmly.

"How dare you! To your own father..." The Duke's voice quivered with indignation, but before the exchange could escalate further, the sound of thunderous footsteps echoed outside the door, rapidly drawing closer.

—Knock knock.

The door swung open with two sharp knocks, revealing an unexpected visitor.

Behind the door stood men adorned in the regalia of Imperial Knights. Lyndon, accompanied by these knights, entered the room, extending a respectful greeting to Astelle.

Hiding the Emperor's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now