Field Trip

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September 7, 19:18 NST

As a 'joining the Justice Society' gift, Bruce gave me a week, and any resource I need to work on a case of my choosing as my first solo mission. being the good little sister that I am, I took this opportunity to pursue the assassin Cheshire, my oldest sister. Even if I do not capture her it will certainly be annoying which I consider a win. Though I didn't expect this rabbit hole to lead me hear, I'm not surprised. What does surprise me is the auburn-haired boy with a briefcase that was most definitely not filled with the heaping pile of cash you see in the movies.

I already found Jade, but my curiosity kept me sitting in my spot as I watched Red Arrow play civilian as he looked for our shared target. Cat Grant has also made her way to Taiwan for the peace summit. she starts her story by talking about the treaty and her skepticism about who the arbitrator will be. As his car comes around the corner Jade gets in position, and Red draws his bow. I watch as my Sister amie a rocket at the car, and Roy deflects it. She storms towards her target, knocking out the security but is stopped by Red before she reaches the car. Both Roy and Jade are apprehended by the remaining guards, and of all people Lex Luther exits the car, taking the position of the arbitrator. All of this occurred in less than two minutes. This is going to be interesting.

Jade is escorted into the back of a police car, an odd look of contentment on her face as the car drives away. Red Arrow is still standing on the curb in the police custody when Lex approaches them. "We have confirmation. This one is Green Arrow's pal. Speedy." Roy glares down at the man before him, "It's Red Arrow now." the cops waste no time in their request to question the hero, but Luther intervenes. "Lex Luthor vouches for him, captain. Release the sidekick." I can't help the laugh that escapes me, luckily I'm far enough away that they won't hear me, but I know Roy has the same kind of eavesdroping tech that I do so there is a chance he did. 

"Ex-sidekick. And I don't need any favors from you." The 18-year-old boy states in his normal brody teenage angst voice. Though Lex is hardly anything more than an over-dramatic, emotionally deprived boy himself he retorts in kind. "Apologies. I didn't realize you wished to join the young lady behind bars." "You may have everyone here fooled, Luthor but I know what you are." the two of them stand uncomfortably close as they have this top-secret conversation. "Oh. I don't pretend to be an angel. It just so happens that this time I'm on the side of the angels."

With that, they are joined by Luther's assistant and make their way inside. I what for something to happen. The attack on Lex will not help the peace treaty as both sides will accuse the other of the hire. It isn't long before Roy septs out of the building and heads off. I already know where he so I hope on the bike I borrowed from Robin and make it to the police station before him. I've already snuck my way inside when I see him being led towards the cells by a cop. Using the vents I position myself over the room, watching, and recording the interaction between my Sister and "Cousin".

Jade stretches, following the movements of our training long ago. "Aren't you going to ask me anything?" Cheshire asks Red, who had enough time in between here and the building where the peace summit is being held to change into his hero costume. "I think you know what I'm after." I hold in a chuckle, as 'that's what she said' ran through my mind, and I can tell it ran through Jade's as well. "I do actually. Do you?" Roy crosses his arms "Who Hierd you?" "Shadows," she states plainly as she continues her movements. "Who hired them?" he asks. "I don't ask." Jade winks at him through the bars.

At this point, Red Arrow is starting to get frustrated. "What's the end goal? The peace summit or Luther himself." Cheshier still being calm replies. "Two Birds, one stone." she redirects the conversation as her dance is now over. "Hey, where are your little sidekick friends? They're always fun to play with. Especially ar...chery girl. I like her." She almost slipped up when it came to our sister, she recovered quickly thought and I don't think Roy understands why she tripped up. "She, they aren't in my league." pufh, yeah right. 

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