The Crocks

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Lawrence and Paula Crock, more commonly know as the assassins Sportsmaster and Tigress, live there Civil, second lives along side there two daughters, 6 year-old Jade, and 3 year-old Artemis, in Gotham city. If you asked there neighbors about them, you would get no complaints. But that's because in Gotham the population lived by don't ask, don't tell, and none where wanting to look passed the carefully crafted facade. Behind the winter jackets hiding the cuts and bruises from traing, on the girls. Or behind the close doors and curtains counseling a stolen infant incubator containing a baby that look way too small, and skinny.

Eden the youngest sister, was born dead. She was successful resuscitate, but she was weak, to weak for this world. Diagnosed with asthma, and a comprised  Immune system. No one expected her to make it to the two months of life that she had attained.

As the girls grow there mother became more and more absent leaving them to their fathers devices. Lawrence was set on training his offspring in his footsteps, breaking them down and building them back as many times as it would take to make them in to expectable assassins.

Sportsmaster trained his daughters in many fields of combat, but Eden was the only one trained in the art of fighting in water and high altitude. He would always tell her "If your not going to give yourself enough oxygen, your going to learn how to fight without it." as if the girl was choosing not to breathe. So the little girl would spend hours training under water and up in aircrafts.

When there mother was arrested, Jade left not being abale to take the abuse any longer, leaving her two younger sisters in their fathers care. Their training continued, Artimis in primarly archer, and Eden in acrobatics and breath control.

Six years have passed since there mother's arrest, and the girls have become masters at the crafts their father has forced them into. Paula's time in prison came to an end, and she whent home to talk to her husband in private. During her time, she got her life straight, and she wanted the same for her daughters, and order for that to happen he had to leave.

Unbeknownst to them Artemis was listening to their conversation. Eden had disappeared to who knows where again. Not wanting to be home at that moment Artimis hit the streets starting her career as a vigilante.

This is where are story begins. With Artimis clad in green fighting the very things she was trained to be. And Eden disappearing in the late afternoon and returning late into the night. There Mother trying her best to become the mother she can with two highly trained teenaged girls, who she can't keep track of.

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