Meeting Team

102 2 1

Mount Justice|
September 5th 19:24

"Recognised Batman, 02, Flash 04, Aquaman 06, Martian Manhunter 07, Sparrow A-01." The robotic voice of the Justice League's computer called into the cave. When I materialized the last member of the team entered the room. "What is she doing here?" My sister questioned immediately.

Artemis had her normal amount of sass leaking off of her world, accompanied by the look that only an older sibling can give. My anxiety came crashing back. This is a bad idea. I have only been around my sister in my suit for like two seconds. On top of that she doesn't know that Rob knows my full identity and exsctinchion hers.

"As most of you know this is Sparrow my Protégé. She is here to observe and learn." He side glares at Artemis. "I'm expecting all of you to play nice." The adults walked off to who knows where, and the Team was obviously in a mind-link-led conversation. I shifted uncomfortably in my spot twiddling my thumbs waiting for them to finish.

I felt a present appear next to me and instantly recognized it as Robin. He elbows me in the side before saying "We're done talking about you behind your back so you can stop being acward now." I chuckled a bit. "Good. They know who I am?" I questioned gesturing towards the Miss Martian and Super Boy.

"They got the TLDR." Artemis filled in. I nod and walk towards the two extending my hand. "Good. Nice to finally meet the two of you." I shake both their hands as I continue. "As you know I'm Sparrow, but I'm also Artemis's little sister Eden."

Miss M was very excited as predicted by what both my sister and Rob had said about her. "Hi! I'm M'agan M'orrz. It's awesome that your family is so involved in heroism. I mean you your sister and your uncle are all heroes, that's awesome!"

I could feel Artemis recoil behind me at the Martian's words. if it wasn't for the acting lessons from Alfred then I would been in the same state. "It is definitely some. Though it's not like we were trying to follow the family business or something."

Lucky before she could ask another question Super Boy asked a question of his own redirecting the conversation. "If you already told us your identity, why are you still wearing your mask? Isn't that why you wear it, to hide your Identity?"

"Well, that's part of the reason." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, "But I'm not sure if there is anything in the air that I'll react to, and my meds wore off 30 minutes ago." Robin and Artemis were the only ones who weren't confused. Wally, Kaldur, Super Boy, and M'agan traded looks of concern and pity. I resist a sigh.

It's the same response I've gotten my whole life, but something different followed. Wally appeared in front of me like the mini-flash he was. "So that's why you look like an 11-year-old vampire!" Wally sounded so enthusiastic about figuring it out. Artemis face-palmed and Robin started cackling, but he engorged it and continued running his mouth. "So is the Bat Cave clear of any of your triggers? Is it Allergies? Did you learn how to fight with your medication? How do you do regular things if you're always on stuff? Do you -"

My sister pushed the redheaded boy away from me, making him fall to the ground bised us. he glares at her as he rubs his side, and she glares right back at him causing the two of them to start to biker and Robin is still chuckling to himself in the corner. I guess this is normal for them as the team relaxes, and the thick atmosphere of nerves eases up. the arguing not-couple make their way to the Lange, I and the rest of the team and follow. Aqualad walks next to me as we do. "Batman said you are here for observation. Does that imply that you are not joining the Team?" Kaldur asks.  " I've been a vigilante for only a month. I want to keep to my city for a bit and learn to protect not just attack before I  join others." he nodes "I have fought by your side and know you are someone we can trust. There will be a place for you on the team for when you are ready."

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