𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫

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𝐍othing could've prepared Quinn for what was about to happen

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𝐍othing could've prepared Quinn for what was about to happen. The next day when the girl woke up, expecting to find Finnick right beside her, all she woke to was an empty bed. Confused and still half asleep, she stumbled around the room looking for any signs for where he could've left to so early in the morning. Surely it was nothing to serious right? Those words kept repeating in mind, as if some sort of reassurance that she was overreacting.

𝐓hat was until she noticed the perfectly folded letter sitting on her side table. Her heart immediately dropped when she read the two words written on the top. 'IM SORRY'. "Damn it Finnick!" The girl quickly realised the meaning of those two words and rapidly got ready. She hadn't even had time to do her hair, all she could manage was a slicked back bun. When she was ready she quickly strapped her belt of knives to her waist, shoved the still folded letter in her pocket and raced out the door.

𝐓he halls were mostly empty besides a few military walking by. The alarm signifying the beginning of the day hadn't gone off yet meaning Quinn didn't have much time to waste. She instantly went headed for the loading bay where the jets were. The girl was halfway there when she rammed right into someone. "Argh, Jesus lady!" The man grunted. "I'm so sor—wait, Haymitch?!" Quinn recognised the middle aged man. "Quinn? What are you still doing here?" He asked while she helped him up.

"𝐖hat do you mean?" Quinn furrowed her brows in confusion. "Shouldn't you be on the jets?" He asked with the same level of confusion as her. "What jets?!" She yelled in frustration. "Wha— the jets leaving for the Capitol? I-I thought you and Finnick were already on them?" He explained. "What do you mean Finnick's on the jets?!?" The girl shouted hysterically. "He didn't tell you?" Realisation crossed his face while Quinn nodded still confused. He then let out an audible sigh. "Come on, there's one last jet. We better get you on it.." His hand then fell to her back as he guided her.


𝐓he ride there was a long one. Quinn spent most of her time sitting silently and tuning out the conversations around her. She recognised most of the people in the hovercraft from the mission in 2 she went on. Boggs sat across from her. It was only when she took the time to look around at everyone else she realised Katniss was nowhere to be found. "Is Katniss on one of the other jets?" She asked. "Uh, no. She's not coming, Coin wanted her to stay in 13, to rest" Boggs answered, slightly surprised that she had spoken. "Hah, Good luck with that" She laughed suddenly sparking up some interest from the others.

"𝐖hat do you mean?" Boggs asked with curiosity. "We all know she'll find some way to be here" Quinn answered with confidence. "I mean, you can't really just expect it her sit back and watch while we all take down Snow without her?". "Yeah that's what I'm afraid of..." The man sighed deeply. After that Quinn went back to tuning out her surroundings. Her mind soon went to Finnick, who she'd honestly forgotten until that moment. How dare he!? Forbid her for wanting to go, then run off without even properly saying goodbye?! Gosh, he better run while he still can because when they landed she had some pretty colourful things to say to him.


𝐎nce the jet landed and Quinn was free to roam around she immediately began her search for Finnick. She had to have looped the whole area for atleast ten minutes. Her mind must've been playing some sort of game with her for how was it that every young man she looked at magically looked like Finnick. She felt like an idiot, walking around in circles like a mad woman. The girl had to cut her expedition short when everyone was gathered around to listen to Commander Paylor.

𝐓he woman then began explaining everything they needed to know. Their mission and orders, the booby traps set throughout the entire Capitol, medical related things, what the pods are and what they do, and finally the plan to break into Snow's Mansion. Plus, a few words of motivation and encouragement. For once in her life, Quinn listened. This was it. The rebellion was finally falling into place. She had to listen. She couldn't just muck around anymore, she had to play her part.

𝐖hen it was over, everyone was assigned to their squads. Quinn was in Squad 451 so she began searching for the designated tent. Finding Finnick would have to hold off for now. After searching the endless amount of tents for what felt like hours the girl finally ran into Boggs, who turns out was in the same unit as her and helped direct her.


𝐊atniss sat in a small tent, stuffing packeted food into her bag. "Squad 451?" Asked a familiar voice. When she looked up she locked eyes with Gale who stared at her with a lighthearted smile on his face. "Looks like you got your meals covered" He commented while taking a seat across from her. "Tryin' to be prepared" She lied. "Don't lie to me. We've been hunting together all our lives. I know when you're gonna go off on your own" The boy said knowingly. Katniss went silent at that. She didn't know what to say, how to reply. Just like she told Finnick when they met. She was an open book, most of the time people knew her secrets before she knew them herself.

"𝐀s your fellow soldier" Katniss began. "I suggest that you stay with your unit. But I couldn't stop you if you wanted to come" She said as if making a suggestion. "Hawthorne, Everdeen, come meet you new unit" An authoritative shouted out causing both Katniss and Gale to rise out of their seats. "I'm lieutenant Jackson, and I wanna introduce you to your squad" An older woman introduced before going around an introducing everyone else.

𝐈n all honesty Katniss didn't care for any of them. Her mind was elsewhere. Instead she just looked forward and nodded, acting like she was listening to what the woman was saying. When she finished the girl noticed a familiar face peaking through the background. She immediately lit up when she realised her it was. "Finnick?" She chuckled lightheartedly. "Are you with us?" She asked while approaching him. "Looks like it" He replied with a grin before pulling the younger girl into a hug.

"𝐈s Quinn here too?" She questioned confused to not see the brunette by his side. "Well about that—". Katniss' eyes widened in slight horror upon noticing Quinn furiously stride towards them, anger fuming in her eyes. "Finnick watch out!—" He turned just in time for his jaw to meet her fist.


𝐀s Quinn's fist collided with Finnick's jaw, prompting multiple 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the rest of the group, the boy from 4 stumbled backwards half in pain and half in shock. "You fucking jackass!" She yelled as her anger uncontrollably poured out of her. "-Quinn" Was all he could weakly mutter out. The group shifted around awkwardly watching the couple's dispute unfold, some with looks of utter disbelief and some with looks of interest and amusement.

"𝐘ou think you have the right to just get up and take off in the middle of the night without telling me?!?" No words could describe her fury and frustration, must be those hormones kicking in early. "AND after making me PROMISE to stay?!?". "Quinn I'm sorry" He sighed helplessly. By now he had recovered and was standing back up straight causing Quinn to slap him in the face again and prompting even more 'oohs' and 'aahs' from everybody else. "Okay oka!—" Lieutenant Jackson attempted to speak, only adding more fuel to Quinn's rages.

"—𝐃O YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME TOO?" She pointed a warning finger at the lieutenant, instantly making her back away in surrender. "Hey that's enough!" Said Boggs in way that wasn't too strict but still stern. The mood had gone sour. Everyone was awkwardly staring at her, not sure how to react or what to do. Quinn's anger died down slightly after that comment and she began walking towards the table, but not before turning back to Finnick and muttering one last thing. "Don't think you're getting out of this that easily! We're finishing this conversation later" She scowled before walking away.

|𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫|

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