𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝟐

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𝐀s Quinn entered the section of 13 where the troops where to board the jets her eyes immediately locked with Katniss's and she quicker her pace to meet up with her

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𝐀s Quinn entered the section of 13 where the troops where to board the jets her eyes immediately locked with Katniss's and she quicker her pace to meet up with her. "You made it" Katniss smiled. "Of course I did. You didn't really think I'd pass you up on your offer did you?" Quinn replied. "Come on, Beetee has a gift for you before we leave" The younger woman began walking, while Quinn followed along behind. "I don't know if I should be grateful for all these sudden gifts or worried" Quinn raised a suspicious brow.

𝐀s the two navigated their way through the room, weaving around the chaotic mess of people before coming to a halt beside the bespectacled man. Hearing their voices the older man turned around to face the woman approaching him. "Ah, Quinn. I was hoping you would come" He grinned up at the girl. "Well, aren't we all just full of surprises today!" She returned with a knowing glance at Katniss. Quinn took a moment to scan over the objects seated on the table in front of them. There sat an arrangement of weapons, from guns, to bows, to arrows, to knives.

"𝐃on't tell me one of these are for me?" She faked a gasp before returning her gaze back to the man from 3. "Yes, now you were a difficult one to do, with such a wide display of talents" He pushed his glasses further up before rotating his wheelchair to grab something from the table. "But ultimately, I came up with something I believe to be suitable for you" He finished before revealing a belt holding an array of knives, all beautifully constructed with their own designs and shapes. Some larger, some smaller. Some slightly more curved than others, and some slightly less.

𝐓he Victor from 5 sucked in a genuine gasp as she admired the beauty of each of them. "Beetee, these are gorgeous" She said with awe while picking up one. This particular blade was slightly smaller than the length of her forearm and had a deep blue shimmer to it. She slowly ran the tips of her fingers along the dull side of the blade all the way to the curved point at the tip before testing the sharpness of it on the table cloth in front of her and slicing straight through it, too which she grinned approvingly at.

𝐀ll together there were six knives, each one slightly bigger than the last. "I thought an assortment of blades was only right considering your preferred killing technique..." He accentuated the last word. "You thought correctly" Quinn applauded. "I shall happily accept your gift Beetee" She smiled with a look back at him, to which he wholeheartedly returned. "I should hope so, those in particular took some time to construct" He said while Quinn tied the belt around her waist and hiding it beneath her shirt.

"𝐖e should board now, the first jet will be leaving any second" Suggested Katniss, who until that moment had not said a word. Quinn nodded in agreement, turning back around to give one last thanks to Beetee before following the Mockingjay.


𝐓he ride was quick enough. Although there were few moments where Quinn found herself bumping up and down in her seat uncontrollably. In those moments she would clutch the belt of knives to her waist protectively should worse come to worse. When the jet landed in 2 the rebels received a warm welcome. "Welcome to district 2. I'm corporal Holmes. You follow me please?" A man greeted as the group followed. An explosion went off as they were walking which caused everyone to duck and spring into defence mode. "Don't worry, it's just how the loyalists says 'Good morning'" Said corporal Holmes. Quinn thought of a few different remarks to that, all of which she refrained from saying.

"𝐏resident Coin we're indebted to you for the reinforcements and the Mockingjay" A woman from 2 conversed with the president of 13 through a small television screen. "But I'm not sure that anyone outside of 2 knows what we're up against." She explained while Quinn listened intently. "This is the nut. The capitols headquarters for all offensive operations" Quinn watched as the circular table lit up in front of them, displaying whatever the lady was explaining to them. "It's manned by both military and civilian personal from district 2".

"𝐀s you can see, the fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock, it's untouchable. Yesterday, we attempted to take the northeastern gate. The enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to pull back. We took heavy loses" She said with a sort of melancholy in her voice that made Quinn pity her situation. "Could we create a decoy? Send troops towards one gate, launch a staggered attack on another" The commander of district 5 suggested. "Whose troops do you propose as a decoy, commander?" A woman from 8 countered with a challenging tone.

"𝐖e have the Mockingjay, don't underestimate her" Coin said. "We have the Ripper don't underestimate her" Katniss corrected while nodding in Quinn's direction, causing all eyes to fall on the girl from 5, some smiled but most didn't. Quinn gave her a thankful half smile before awkwardly turning her gaze back at the table, mostly to avoid eye contact with Coin—who still wasn't pleased with the fact Katniss had invited her exclusively on this mission despite her refusal. Coin cleared her voice before talking again. "We could use her to erode support" Coin broke the silence.

"𝐒he may be able to sway some of the loyalists" She continued. "You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin. This isn't like the rest of Panem. Support for the capitol runs deep here" The first woman spoke again. "Then there is no sacrafice too great. We need to control the arsenal inside that fortress. Even with every district in this alliance, we are outgunned". "I won't commit my people to a ground assault just to pillage weapons" Commander Paylor disagreed. "Commander Paylor, your people have suffered more than just about anyone else at the hands of the Capitol" Coin argued.

"𝐖hich is why I won't condone a mass suicide". "If we don't take District 2, we won't get into the Capitol" The two women continued. "Would it be enough to disable the fortress?" Asked Gale, the first words he had said the whole time. "What do you have in mind?" Lyme questioned. "Think of it like a wolf den. You're not gonna fight your way in so you've got two choices. You trap the wolves inside or you flush 'em out. If we can't attack straight on then couldn't we use our hovercraft to strike around it?" He suggested.

"𝐖e'll use the mountains, we'll hit weak spots in the peaks" He finished. "We could design the bomb targets in sequence using seismic data" Beetee added while Quinn listened. "Trigger avalanches" Said Lyme. "Block all exits, cut off their supplies. You make it impossible for them to launch their hovercraft". "Bury them alive" Said Paylor. "We'd forfeit any chance to control the weapons" Sighed Coin. "Yes, but we'd face a weakened Capitol—" started Beetee. "Hold on, there's civilians in there!" Quinn frowned at the map on the table as all heads whipped around to face her.

"𝐖e should atleast give them a chance to surrender" The Victor argued. "Look we could use one of the supply tunnels for the evacuees" Quinn leaned on the table while pointing at an area on the map. "It's a luxury we weren't given when they firebombed 12" Gale scoffed causing Quinn to turn a glare at him. God, why was this man granted the gift of speaking? Surely he had lost that privilege a long time ago. "And still you would do the same thing to those innocents the same way the Capitol did to yours?" She raised a single sculpted brow in question, making the others around the table whisper in either agreement or disapproval. "There's gotta be a better way!" Katniss protested.

"𝐈 agree with her" Said Boggs with a nod towards Quinn. Atleast someone here had some common sense. "We're leading a rebellion here. What kind of people would we be to deny innocents the chance to yield?". "Hypocrites" Quinn suggested nonchalantly while quietly scoffing in a way not many would hear. "I suggest we try the avalanche" President Coin spoke before the arguing could continue. "But leave the train tunnel alone. Civilians can escape into the square where our armies will be waiting for their surrender" She finished.

"𝐖e should have every available medic standing by" Paylor immediately suggested to which Quinn nodded approvingly at. "And if they won't surrender?" Lyme questioned hesitantly. "Then we will need a compelling voice to persuade them" Coin nodded towards Katniss who was now attracting every pair of eyes in the room. Everyone stood still sharing at the Mockingjay while the Mockingjay stared across the table at Quinn.

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