𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭

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𝐐uinn laid almost lifeless in that hospital bed, the faint beeping of the heart monitor beside her echoing through the room as a few nurses worked around her

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𝐐uinn laid almost lifeless in that hospital bed, the faint beeping of the heart monitor beside her echoing through the room as a few nurses worked around her. She had been out for 3 days now but to Finnick it felt like an eternity. Because of his so called 'Outburst' that occurred 3 days prior, Coin denied him access to the room until she woke up, so Haymitch would give him updates each day on how well she was doing. But still that didn't stop him from waiting outside.

𝐄veryday he would watch her through the large window of her room, waiting for hours on end hoping that she would just wake up already. But no. The man couldn't eat, sleep, or even function properly knowing what state she was in. She was thankfully alive but hanging on by a very small thread that was bound to break at any moment. She had already been pumped of all the nutrients, medicine, and blood she could get, now they just had to wait and let God do his thing. The nurses said it was a miracle she had survived and that they had gotten to her when they did.

𝐓hey said if they had been so much as 4 minutes later she would've died. What a miracle alright. She seemed to be healing fairly quick, appearance wise. Her body was back to its normal olive skin tone. The bruises had mostly healed with only a few of them still visible. However, her burns had left nasty marks on her arms and thighs as well as the scars that left a trail along her back. And then there was the panem logo that had been engraved into her arm, forever displaying her has 'Capitol Property'. Now that would take some work to cover up.

𝐈t was early in the morning and Haymitch was off doing his daily rounds, seeing how everyone was. Ever since the rescue, chaos had befallen upon the district. Quinn was on life support, Johanna refused to take her meds or socialise with any human being. Katniss' worst fear had officially become her reality. Peeta was definitely no longer himself. Whatever Snow did to him must've been just as bad, if not worse then what he had done to Quinn. For the boy they once knew was no longer.

𝐍ow he was just another Capitol mutt. Created from fear and torture. Beetee said it was called 'Hijacking'. Tracker jacker venom and fear conditioning, mixed with the torture of course. They basically twisted his memories into thinking Katniss was the bad guy. So when he first saw Katniss, he attacked her. In fact, like Quinn, she was also out cold at the moment after being choked by Peeta until she passed out.

𝐀s he continued through the long hallways of 13, his shoes brushing against the concrete as he walked by, until he finally reached Quinn's room. Finnick, who's eyes were almost as red as the bloodbath at the cornucopia was perched on the bench outside, anxiously waiting while rapidly bopping his leg up and down impatiently. Haymitch sighed upon seeing the man. "Kid, go get some sleep" He said sounding almost fed up always seeing him sitting there. Finnick snapped his head in the direction of the sound source then slumped back down, hearing his words.

"𝐈 can't. I won't. Not until she wakes up" He refused while shaking his head back and forth. "Finnick, I promise you the second she's awake, you will be the first person to know". Haymitch assured, now standing right in front of him. Finnick hesitated before he spoke again. He obviously yearned for sleep, but he yearned for her more. "Look in the mirror, you're terrible! You haven't slept in days, and the bags under your eyes have never been bigger" He teased. "Your hands and fingers are red from all the knots you've been tying" He added.

"𝐆o and sleep, and eat something while you're at it" Haymitch folded his arms. "You promise?" Finnick looked up at him, one brow raised. "Promise" Haymitch replied while jokingly sticking out his pinky in mockery. After letting out a large sigh Finnick finally stood and gave him a thankful look before exiting the room. Haymitch looked back on last time, making sure the man was truly gone before entering the hospital room.

"𝐎h Sir, you can't be in here" One of the nurses commented sternly, upon hearing someone enter. "It's okay, he's fine, he's allowed" The other nurse replied before Haymitch got a chance too, sending him a kind smile. "Thanks..How's sleeping beauty doing?" He jeered while taking a seat next to Quinn's bed. "Better, actually" The nurse said contentedly. "Her vitals seem to be checking out and her everything internally seems to be healing rather fast" She explained. "She'll be awake in no time" She finished with a smile while turning back to her work.

"𝐓hat's good..that's really good" Haymitch also allowed a smile to form on her face as he turned to the girl and gave her hand a hopeful squeeze. "You got her daily report for me?" He turned back to the nurse who was already making her way over to him. "I knew you'd say that, and yes. There you go" She handed him the piece of paper as his eyes scanned over the information. "We'll I suppose I'll be on my way then" He sighed while standing up from his chair. "See you later kid" He muttered towards Quinn as he gave both nurses a respectful nod before exiting.


𝐓he terrible bright light shown right through her irises robbing her of her vision. The first thing the girl noticed as she slowly regained consciousness was how badly her head hurt. She winced as she tried to move despite her uncooperative muscles which were still in the process of healing.

𝐒he then noticed the thousands of needles that poked into every visible vein on her arms. Her memories then came flooding back in uncontrollably and everything then began to be put into place. How the last thing she had remembered was being locked in a giant water chamber, strapped to a chair and slowly drowning. She shook the unhappy thought away as did not wish to relive such a moment.

𝐁reathing seemed impossible with the suffocating smell of disinfectant that hung thickly in the air of the hospital room. Sucking in a large gulp of air then releasing a large and audible breath that caught the attention of the people around. That was when Quinn realised that she had company. The nurses immediately shot to her side, asking her questions and muttering affirmations of sorts while widening her eyes and shining and even brighter light into them, much to Quinn's distaste.

"𝐌s Marshal can you hear me? Can you see me right right?!" The nurse to her left asked in a worried tone although Quinn physically didn't have the strength to reply. "Ms marshal—", "Yes yes! I can hear you now get that horrible light away from my eyes" She groaned while swatting the nurses hand away and gathering the strength to sit up slightly, letting out a few obscenities in the process.

"𝐐uick go tell President Coin that Ms Marshal was woken up!" She told the other nurse who was frantically running around like a lost puppy, before turning back to Quinn who could not be anymore confused at the moment. "Ms Marshal, my name is Doctor Bennet. You are in district 13 along with friends" She explained as Quinn let out a long breath. "Yes.. I thought I might be" Quinn have a knowing look before turning her gaze away from the nurse.

"𝐇ow did I get here?" She questioned turning back to the middle aged women beside her. "You were rescued by our soldiers". "But that is not important right now, I will send word of you awakening to Haymtich and Finnick" The women smiled, her cheeks dimpling. "No!" Quinn shouted unexpectedly, receiving a confused look from the nurse. "..Just Haymitch, not Finnick..not yet.." She whispered the last part as she thought deeply before she spoke. "But miss—" The nurse began but was soon cut off by Quinn's growls. "Just Haymitch!" She snapped back, her face deeply serious. The nurse then hesitatingly nodded in response before exiting the room leaving Quinn alone.

|𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭|

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