𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"𝐖hat do you mean she doesn't want to see me!?!" Finnick growled angrily as Haymitch tried his best to calm the man

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"𝐖hat do you mean she doesn't want to see me!?!" Finnick growled angrily as Haymitch tried his best to calm the man. Both men had been told the news that Quinn had woken up minutes prior to the current situation. Well, Haymitch was told, Finnick was simply in the same room and happened to overhear. He had had wondered why he too hadn't been told of this and was now finding out why, "Finnick.." Haymitch spoke calmly while throwing his hands up defensively.

"𝐘our lying! Your lying..I'm going in there one way or another!" The man yelled hysterically. "Finnick..I know this isn't easy to hear but you need to understand how she's feelings right now okay?!" Haymitch sympathised with his anger. "Look, the last time she saw you was in the arena right after you threw a trident at her!" He scolded. "She probably still feels that you betrayed her in the arena and with the lies Snows been whispering in her ears, you going to see her right now is not the best idea" Haymtich continued.

"𝐁ut I DIDN't betray her I didn't know it was her!" Finnick whined frustratedly. "That's not what she thinks" Haymitch quickly retorted. "Give her time. She eventually realise that your still trustworthy and forgive you but right now you need to let me talk to her and I'll try my best to convince her that you're not a villain" He finished before walking in leaving Finnick alone and annoyed.

𝐐uinn sat in frustration as she struggled to open her yoghurt cup, ignoring the nurses attempts to help. "I told you I don't need your help!" The girl yelled harshly. "But miss!—" The nurse tried but was once again unsuccessful. "Oh my god, must I spell it out for you!?! I can do it my goddamn self!!" Quinn screeched loudly as the nurse backed away slowly. After a few more moments of struggling and staring daggers into the older woman beside her, who Quinn knew was probably judging her right now she finally managed to rip the plastic seal off with her teeth.

𝐆iving the nurse a fake sweet smile as if telling her 'Told you!", then rolling her eyes and spitting the piece of plastic in her mouth onto the floor beside her bed. As the lady stood there awkwardly debating what she should do now since she was supposed to be giving her a check up, but given what had just happened best not to poke the bear and let her settle down.

"𝐇ey kid" Haymitch smiled as he focused his attention onto her. Quinn, who was still aggressively eating her yoghurt shot up upon hearing him enter and as their eyes connected they both immediately ran to each other, dropping her food on the ground as she did so and earning a displeased look from the nurse. "Haymitch!" She released a breath as she ran into his arms, almost tackling him as she did so causing them to stumble backwards into the shelf behind them. "Nice to see you too" He chuckled before pulling back to get a better look of her.

𝐅innick, who was still standing outside wallowing in his frustration and anger turned to face the window that showed the inside of the hospital room. Then all his troubles seemed to drift away and his angry gaze softened, watching with the slightest bit of envy and a soft smile as Quinn jumped into Haymitch's arms, wishing it was him holding her instead, squeezing her with all his might in fear that should he ever let go she'll drift away as easily as she came.

"𝐒hould you even be walking so soon?" He furrowed his eyebrows as a look of concern then washed over his ageing face."Ah, yes please try and talk some sense into this one, she doesn't seem to want to listen to a single word I say" The nurse quickly chimed in while giving Quinn a look before returning to her work—to which Quinn simply rolled her eyes back. "I can assure you both that I am perfectly capable of walking" She rolled her eyes as she grunted and limped back to her bed.

𝐎nce returning to the comfortable position she had been in before her took a deep breathe, changing her expression to a relieved one and turning back to Haymitch. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you right now" She chuckled inviting him to sit on the end of her bed. "Tell me, how is everyone else? How's Katniss? What about Peeta and Johanna! are they here too? Are they alright? Oh—and Finnick! Finnick..." She rambled on, sighing at the last part.

"𝐇ey—slow down! One question at a time" Said Haymitch. "Yes yes, Katniss, Peeta and Johanna are here and they're—" He hesitated. "They aren't doing too well. They could really use your company, Peeta's gone mad, strangled Katniss, she's in the infirmary right now.." Quinn's eyes widened in shock, appalled at what she was hearing. "And Johanna, well, she's mad at the world" He sighed helplessly.

"𝐀nd..Finnick?" She questioned, tilting her head ever so slightly. "Is he okay? Is he mad at me..?" Quinn's expression turned sad and desperate. "What? Mad at you?" He scoffed. "What makes you say that!?" Haymitch replied almost immediately. "Because! I—" She struggled to explain. "Because I didn't let him see me I guess??.." The girl finished despite her looking as if she didn't really believe it either.

"𝐒weetheart, I don't think anything you do could ever make that man hate you" The man reassured while giving her a smile. "And trust me, he's a lot more worried about you hating him right now than you are about him hating you" He gave her a look while raising his eyebrows. Quinn then turned to face the ground as her face formed a sad frown. "You too we're quite the thing in there" Haymitch spoke while giving her a nudge. She didn't have to ask to know what he was talking about. The arena.

"𝐄veryone in the Capitol couldn't stop talking about the you two. The story of the infamous 'ripper' and how she finally expressed her feelings after years of being distant and cold" He smiled as Quinn shook her head repeatedly insisting there was no story to tell, a growing smirk on her face and a look of embarrassment and awkwardness before the silence returned. "But..since you brought it up" The man began. "Why won't you see him?" He finished as Quinn let out a very audible sigh.

"𝐈'm not talking about that right now" She shook her head defensively. "He really wants to see you Quinn! And I know you want to see him too!" Haymitch protested. "So what is it? Why won't you see him?" He pushed as Quinn went quiet and looked down in deep thought. "It's not that I don't want to see him...its just..." She looked down again trying to conjure up the words. "..it's just..every time I picture his face, all I can think of is us in the arena, and him standing in front of me and his trid—" She turned away as her voice broke and tears swelled in her eyes.

𝐇aymitch shuffled closer to her attempting to get her to look back at him, in which she refused and pressed her eyes tightly shut while sniffling and blinking away tears. "Quinn.." He spoke pitifully. "And Snow! He said that—" She said through sniffles as tears now ran down her pale cheeks. "What? What did he say!? Quinn you know you can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth!" Haymitch retorted, his voice stern and serious as he leaned closer to grab her arm.

"...𝐇e said that him and Finnick made an agreement, for Finnick to get close to me...he said he was the one who ordered him to stab me..". She sobbed as Haymitch pulled her into a hug and she pressed her face into his shoulder. "Oh Haymitch..". "Look Quinn, I want you to erase everything you just said from your mind. Believe me when I say no arrangement was made, Finnick was never ordered to do anything!" The Victor from 12 held her tear stained face as he talked to her.

𝐓he silence returned again as Quinn sat miserably on her bed as Haymitch stood from his seat. "I'll be back in a few hours okay? Look, I'm not going to force you to talk to anyone, but please atleast try and give him a chance Quinn, if not for him then for me" He spoke softly as he turned to leave and Quinn smiled sadly at him. "Thanks Haymitch.." She said quietly while still sniffling. A big cheeky smile then grew on the man's face as the door opened and he was about to leave. "What are friends for?

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