Yeah. We are talking like six weeks now.
Ofcourse you are my friend. But why are you asking me suddenly?

Actually I want to know that because I am gonna ask you something. If you are comfortable then only we can do it. Otherwise I will wait for you to be comfortable.   

Hey...what happened?
Why are you so nervous?
If you want to ask me something. Then go on.
I can't understand anything like these.

Can I call you? I really really want to hear your voice.

Reading the message Jungkook was nervous. He is a person who doesn't like to call or text. But Taehyung was somehow special to him. So he didn't want to make him upset. But he was worried that he would make him disappointed . He was really anxious.

Hey it's ok. If you don't want to. Then we can talk later.

No no..I want to.

In a blink , Taehyung called him. He nervously received the call.

Hello cupcake....

Tae's deep voice sent shivers to his spine. His breathing stopped. He somehow managed to say...


Tae loved younger's sweet voice. It felt so cute and sweet. He wanted to pinch his cheeks.

Are you nervous? By the way your voice is so cute .

Y..yeah... a little bit.. actually I don't talk on the phone that much. And t.thank you .

You don't like my voice?!! I am sad .

No noooo... I loved your voice. Your voice is soo deep and ho..

Hot??? You wanted to say hot right? I didn't know my voice would be such a turn on to you. Otherwise I would have talked to you earlier.

S.. shut up.. I am not gonna talk to you.hmph....

Are you pouting??? Awwwww......You are sooo cute...

And Jungkook was full on blushing. He had compliments throughout his life . But never allowed them to invade his mind that much. But now he didn't know how can he like this flirty stranger so much and that too in this little time. Tae had too much effect on him.
They bickered on little things then they talked about each other's likes and dislikes.
Talking to Tae,which seemed tough earlier to Jungkook didn't seem like that now . He felt easy to talk to elder. His anxiety was gone too.

Do you like football?

Yeah .. I love watching football.

Who is your favourite player?

Cristiano Ronaldo. And yours?

Gosh I love him.I love Neymar Jr too. But he is too lazy.

I love Neymar too..his skills are just superb..Which club do you support?

Real Madrid. You???

Oh my god .....me too... Though I love watching other clubs too ..

I love youngsters too.. Like haaland and Vinicius jr.
I liked mbappe too . But I think he is too much business minded. When Cristiano was his age he was running after success and records..What do you think ?

I think Mbappe has immense talent and potential. His speed is just impressive . He has the potential to turn any game into his favour by himself. Both world cups are proof of that. He is young and making his own choices .

Why are you always like these ?

Always like what?

Don't you find any flaws in anybody? Why are you saying only positive things about everybody. I think that narrows down our area of thinking.

But I love to see the positive aspects and potentials of everyone.

But if you can't see negative things that will make your life more harder. Don't you think so.?

Yeah I know that positive and negative both views are important. But I chose to focus on the positive side more. What's the point of life without hope ?

But if you can't see the negative things in your surroundings, If you trust others easily then everybody
will scam you. You'll be betrayed , used and then they will throw you like trash and trample you.

I fully agree with your opinion. I know life is hard and  there are some people who'll be like that. But I tend  to focus on those who are important to me. Or those who are good people. I can be betrayed or bluffed but if I can find some good people, everything will be worth it to me.

It's a peculiar viewpoint.

Jungkook just laughed instead of replying.

Are you sleepy?

Yeah..a little bit. What about you?

Yeah I am too. Did you mind everything I said earlier?

Noo noo... You were just sharing your views..Why would I mind that.. though I have different views but I accept yours too.

That sounds assuring...Do you want me to make you sleep. I can do many things while you are in bed.

Aaaand Mr . Pervert is back...No I don't want anything from you. And I can fall asleep on my own too.

I was just saying about singing to you and cuddle you to sleep. I think it's you who is perverted. I am a pure innocent person.

Yeah yeah...surely.
Let's sleep now. We both need to wake up early tomorrow.

Ok then... good night babyyyy..

Good night to you too.. And I am not a baby. I am just two years younger than you.

Ok ok... whatever you say baby...Dream of me .bye bye...


They cut the call and drifted off to sleep .  One thing Taehyung understood that Jungkook was really different and understanding. Because whenever he tried to convey his point of views to anybody, they called him selfish and arrogant. He was always a bit narcissist so he didn't mind. That's why he always wanted someone who thinks like him. But for the first time he saw someone has different views but accepted him and didn't argue with him. He was surprised and somehow relaxed.

Hiiiii my lovely readers....

Who do you think fall in love first?
I know this is a boring chapter. But tell me what do you think?

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