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For my dear readers, I'm really sorry and I didn't mean to make any fun of the sensitive topic. I suggest if you're sensitive with some suicide topic, please don't read my story. I repeat, I'm really sorry for the things I did right now. I really respect all of you, I'm really sorry.


I swallow down my saliva as I get in a fighting position. Infront of me, there's Emil with a smirk plastered on her face. Miss Pharadox lift the red flag up and step back. I could hear the students cheering and yelling as Emil make a metal chain using her ability. Emil then swing the chain at me but I quickly block it by making a water barrier infront of me before running to the side and throw some bubbles of water at her but she just cut it with ease.

"I'm sorry Luna, but I can't let you win this time" Emil smirk and spin the chain before throwing it at me and this time, it got tangled on my leg so I tripped and fall on my butt. I hissed in pain but it quickly turn into a scream as Emil throw me out of the ring by pulling the chain that was tangled around my leg. Miss Pharadox point the red flag at Emil, meaning that she win this match.

The teacher walk out and take me to the nurse office gently. The teacher help me lay down on one of the bed as I groan in pain. My back hit the wall pretty hard that I could hear it crack everytime I move. I wait patiently for the nurse to heal me or something.

"Is this your first time?" I heard soft voice coming from beside me. I turn my head just to see Emil's sister sitting at the edge of her bed with a smile on her face.

"O-ouh, Emilia.. I sometimes got hurt but not this bad so yeah" I chuckle softly and scratch the side of my head. She just give me a closed eyes smile and tilted her head to the side a little.

"Hey Luna. Ouh, Emilia. You're here? You could leave now if you want" Jenna walk inside the nurse office and approach my bed.

"I would like to stay and watch you instead"
Emilia smirked and lean behind, using her arm as a support. Jenna return the smile before turning her attention back at me. She told me to turn around so she could heal my back so I did as she told.

After she healed my back, I thanked her and walk out to the stadium since Jenna said I could leave.


"I thought you want to watch your sister fight?" I ask and sit on the bed across her, putting my hand on my lap as I look at her.

"It's okay, she came to visit me earlier and told me to take a rest. She probably don't want me to cheer for her too and I feel relaxed with you" Emilia said that calmly. I blush and turn my face away.

"Don't say something like that calmly but, thanks. I might need some company" I chuckle and face her again. The teacher voice then rang from the speaker that's hang on the wall.

"For our next competitor! Wynn Noam and Maya Veshka!" The teacher yelled happily and clap their hand.

"Maya is really scary don't you think" I blurt out and look at the bed that was on the corner of the room, there lay Kaiser's unconscious body.

"Yeah...I never really understood how her ability works" she put her finger on her chin before saying something again.

"Did he die?" Emilia also look at Kaiser before turn her head at me. I just shake my head since his heart still beating and his chest went up and down, meaning that he still breathing and alive

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