✿CHAPTER 13✿ (Edited)

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Halloo~ so in this chapter, it's about Emil's and Alia's flashback. It will have some disturbing content like bullying and self harming. If you weren't comfortable with this kind of content, please proudly skip this chapter. I don't even know why are you here in the first place. Anyway, let's start! (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

⚠️ SUICIDE JOKE (?) ⚠️
⚠️ CRINGE ⚠️




I was walking down the empty hallway since most of the students is already at their home, a sweet mango candy in my mouth as I suck the taste. Just then, I stop my tracks to look at my side when I heard someone yelling and whimpering. I skip to where the sound come from and it lead me to the back of the volleyball gym.



"Ugly hair!" I heard laughing and giggling as they say those words. I take a peek and saw three girls bullying a gray haired girl. The gray haired one is on the ground hugging herself as they kick and pull her hair.

"What are you guys doing?" I stand behind them, making them yelp and turn their body to me. I tilted my head to the side, my eyes not leaving the girl that is seating on the floor with some bruises on her body. I glance at three of them before lifting them up with my ability.

"Isn't this week is the 'anti-bullying' week? Weren't the teacher just talk about how bad bullying is this morning at the gathering hall? Are you deaf? What are you guys doing when the teacher talk about it? Hah? Tell me lah bodoh" I said and spin them around like a fidget spinners. After minutes playing with them, I got bored so I put all of them on top of the trees as they yell at me to bring them back down.

Bodoh = Stupid

"I will put you guys down next week since it's the 'love the animals' week" I chuckle at my own joke and turn to the girl that is watching me with amazement. I held out my hand for her to take it.

"You good?" I said softly as she grab my hand, slowly pulling her up back to her feet.

"Thank you...I'm Emil Cheever" She rub her arm awkwardly, looking down at the floor. I ignore all of those girls screaming as I introduced myself at her.

"Alia Arisya" I lift up her bag and give it to her. She is really tall and has a really long hair that reach her hip, her bangs covering her face but I could still see some pink blush across her face

"See you again, Emil. Be careful and tried defending yourself next time" I said and pat her back. Before I could walk away, she grab my wrist stoping me. I turn my body to her, waiting for what she's going to say.

"C-could you bring them down..? I don't want you to be in trouble.." She said and play with her finger. I raise one of eyebrows and bite down the mango candy before swallowing it.

"You want me to bring them down?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip, watching as she nodded her head slowly. I sigh before using my ability again to bring them back down. After I put them down, they sprint away like a pig.

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