‣ fourteen

Depuis le début

Trust Him? He wants her to Trust him. A guy she barely knows? Aurelia looks the other direction, trying to think over her other options. However, that quickly did not matter. She has no other option. It's either stay in the house she does not feel safe in or trust Elijah.

"Okay." She murmurs softly, her head slowly turns to look at the man once again. "When can I move?"

Elijah leans further into the passenger side window to pull his phone out of his pocket. He scrolls through it before tilting his head, causing his hair to that side. He hums quietly, his eyes focus on his phone screen as they slowly turn to uncertainty. "Maybe, a week from now."

"A week?" She repeats with a distraught tone behind it. "Elijah I don't think I can stay here for another week. I have to work next week too, along with classes and other things. I can't-"

"Baby," he utters that word again, cupping her cheek, gently caressing it. "Deep breaths."

Aurelia didn't even notice she was panting, and why she instantly calms down when he calls her that, and displays such intimate affection. Her heart begins to rapidly pound against her ribs, and her panting slows down as she stares into his eyes.

She hasn't felt like this before. This feeling is similar to how she feels when she's around beautiful art. Sometimes her best friends used to joke around when they saw her getting lost in any and every artwork they would see if they were walking in the park or even along the street where a lot of street murals are on the side of buildings and grounds.

"Who got you looking like that?" Cameron asked, pushing at her shoulder.

"No one!" She said carefully, panic ridden in her tone as she covered her face from embarrassment. "I think... This mural is really pretty. However, even though the colors are bright, you can feel the sadness coming from this."

"Brina needs to hurry up out of this Clinic because listening to you geek out over art isn't something I want to hear. I thought you saw a cute guy or something." Cameron mumbled, causing the girl to pout her lips slightly.

Her best friend noticed and rolled his eyes before wrapping his arm around her. "I'm kidding, Relia, I love seeing you get all excited when you talk about art. It's cute, and sometimes it makes me want to lock you away so now others can't see how cute you look."

She remembered pushing him away and covering her ears. Sabrina was guilty of it too, asking her what boy got her looking so in love, but she was disappointed to know the boy she had her eyes on died a hundredths of years ago, and all she could do is admire the statue of David, created by Michelangelo.

"He's not even that good looking and," Sabrina leaned down to her ear. "He's small as fuck."

Aurelia remembered turning toward her best friend with disbelief covering her face. "Brina the sculpture is huge! What are you talking about? He's not small at all."

Sabrina just laughed quietly and shook her head before they walked to the next sculpture together. Aurelia didn't know what was funny then, but looking back on that memory made her feel a whole lot better. However it just made her heart pound more as she sits in Elijah's care with the man still caressing her cheek.

Aurelia turns her head slowly and avoids his affection. "Where am I going to stay until I can move into the new place? I don't want to stay here, Elijah."

Elijah pulls his head out of the window and places his hands on his hips. The male thoughts were loud. He didn't know where she could stay, and now he's trying to figure out a solution on the fly.

"If you-"

"Me." He cuts her off, causing her to flinch as he refers to himself. She didn't even know what he meant by me. Her face is definitely full of confusion. "I mean, it'll be for a week. You can bring some of your things and stay with me until they are ready for you to move in."

Baby Angel | a poly romanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant