May all time be reset

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I exit my room groggy from everything, Pansy was cooking something and Fitz was out here. I asked what happened and they all said we moved in here after we were all 19 me and Niko are apparently engaged and Fitz apologized for joining the neverseen, but he single handedly took them down. So I walk back to my room clap the curtains down and it's pitch black. I have pain elixirs next to me just in case. I close my eyes and go back to that time. I realize me and Fitz worked together without realizing it and reset the timeline. I try to see the future but all I see is Keefe coming back for the first time, but it was 3 years ago I think. I try to see if Niko can transmit to me. But I here nothing. Then it dawned im the only one with abilities, I open my window and see pollution, skyscrapers and even cars. Their all humans, I realize Fitz lost his gifts to. I try to go back to the past. It hurts agonizing pain runs through my side. 

The shadows cover me then Niko runs in.

"Calla are you ok?" Then he saw the shadows it clicks to him the memory's flood back he moves the shadows to the doors so no one can enter. "Why are we here and how?" I explain the time reset and we realized everyone needs their gifts. We sit one the ground made a tunnel of shadows I thought back to the past Niko tried to walk through but halfway it was like a locked door. We need Fitz.

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