Opposing sides

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Fitz Jr pov:

I had to show her neverseen was better, they let me have my abilities I need all of them to know. I stare out of the human plane, they sent me to hide in the forbidden cities. I still think it's crazy how I can see into the past as far as I want. I've already seen moms Battles with the me neverseen, she always lost in some shape or form. I've seen how my half dad is keefe also, I didn't do this for him. The plane landed in a place called Seattle Washington. I stare out at the buetiful ocean, but then it goes black. I awake in a neverseen base, I see a cloaked figure. 

"Thank you Fitz, for joining us I know it must've been hard to leave your family." A light raspy voice said. 

"It was hard but I had to leave." I reply.

They toss me human clothes and showed me a light leaping chandelier that leads to other bases. I need to check in every three days, and if I need money for whatever reason I need to tell them. 

Calla POV: 

I stare out my crystal window of the clubhouse realizing that my brother left me. He left my side, I have to fight to get him back. I have to win to get him back. All of us need to practice our powers to get stronger but I'm scared to let Jack practice ever since that memory of him getting sent to the forbidden cities after he killed Josie. I'm scared and angry and frustrated of what will happen if I let him. Will he leave or kill her in her. 

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