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Sophie Vacker aka moonlark( has like 8 abilities not naming them all it's 3:00am) Fitz Vacker (Sophies congate and husband)(telepath)

Calla Vacker : Sophie Vacker oldest daughter

Ability: Telepath, Inflictor, Mesmer, for now

Age:16, in silver towers may have skipped grades well never know twins with Fitz Jr 

Crush: Niko Song, her best friends brother

Best friend: Pansy Song

Josie Vacker : Sophie middle daughter 

Ability: phaser, enhancer, Guster, telepathy, for now

Age: 15

Crush: Jack Endal

Best friend: her congate Niko Song

Sophie Jr: Sophie youngest daughter

Ability: telepath, pyrokinetic, hydrokinetic, Inflictor, for now 

Age : 13 

Crush : Steve Randal 

Best friend: Henry Dizznee 

Fitz Jr: only son of these two for now

Ability: telepathy, froster,vanisher, Inflictor, enhancer, empath, for now

Age: 16 twins with calla in silver towers 

Crush : Violet song

Best friend: Steve Randal, nonatralist(don't know how to spell it) Niko Song

Biana Dizznee (vanisher), Dex Dizznee(technopath)

Henry Dizznee: first born son

Abilities: pyrokinetic, hydrokinetic, guster

Age: 15

Crush: Sophie Jr

Best friend: Sophie Jr

Daisy Dizznee: first born daughter

Abilities: vanisher, Inflictor

Age: 16 1/4

Crush: n/a /Fitz Jr

Best friend: anyone

Jack Dizznee: last son for now

Abilities: technopath, froster, phaser

Age: 12

Crush : Josie Vacker 

Best friend: Violet Song 

Tam song(shade),Maruca(pyisnopath)

Niko Song: firstborn son

Abilities: telepathy, vanisher, shade

Age : 16 3/4

Crush : Calla Vacker

Best friend: Fitz Jr

Violet Song: first daughter by 12 minutes (twin is Pansy)

Abilities: pyisnopath, shade, hydrokinetic 

Age 15 2/6

Crush : Fitz Jr

Best friend: jack Dizznee

Pansy Song: younger by 12 minutes (twins with Violet Song)

Abilities : telepathy vanisher, shade, pyisnopath 

Age 15 ( not conceded like Violet with the 2/6 )

Crush : Henry Dizznee

 Best friend : calla Vacker 

Lihn Endal (hydrokinetic), Wylie Endal (Flasher)

Jack Endal: first son

Abilities: flasher, hydrokinetic, shade


Crush : Calla Vacker

Best friend is Fitz Jr 

John Endal: second son

Abilities: charger, conjurer, descryer, empath

Age: 13

Crush : Pansy Song 

Best friend: anyone 

Clarah Endal : only daughter (for now)

Abilities : flasher, beugalar, charger, voiceferter 

Age: 16

Crush: Henry Dizznee

Best friend : anyone

Keefe Sencen : missing (empath,polyglot, other abilities)

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