Winter Wonderland (Holiday special)

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Calla's pov: I sit on the flower couch in our fort, I think about Fitz maybe he was right to leave and join the neverseen. But like a truck a tornado happened, I stare at Josie whose hands where pointing everywhere fear in her eyes. The wind started to add to the tornado but it was just around the clubhouse. I realized that Fitz Jr. Was our their Josie was mouthing 'I didn't summon the tornado with my power, it was someone else using my power' I started looking at everyone and saw Sophie acting like she had the guster power. Then one of use made snow, it was a blizzard protecting us.

~~~~~a week later~~~~~

I ran out and saw Fitz, he quickly light leaped away I finally had enough I screamed and fell to my knees. Then the whole area went black, Niko quickly came and moved the shadows back. I asked him what happened, "Calla you manifested as a shade." Then I passed out. I awoke in a very lit room I realized us kids bought a secret house, which I was in. I looked around I was in nikos room,"n.i..ko" quietly croaked from my voice then he entered from his bathroom his black hair dripping. " You used to much energy with such little amount you had." He helped me up and gave me custard bursts. " Are these Elidines?" He nodded his head yes. " How'd you get them?" He told me she dropped them off but she didn't tell any of our parents we were here. 

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