lana rolls over in bed to be faced with jack, sleeping peacefully. that is, until her phone starts to ring. she grabs her phone and runs out of the room as quickly as she can, trying to not wake up the peaceful sleeper.

she looked at her phone- it was her agent, taylor.

"hey what's up girl?" lana asks

"i got you a gig, it's with a pretty big company, but before i tell you i should just tell you it's in california..." taylor starts informing lana about this new opportunity

"yeah that's totally ok, i'll have to just know when it is soon so i can start to-" lana is cut off by a really loud thump and a screaming boy. before she can even finish her sentence she hung up the phone and ran back into jacks room

"babe what happened?" she started, but was taken over by laughter when she saw jack lying on the ground in just his boxers.

"hey don't laugh that's mean" he whines, but lana doesn't stop. if anything she starts laughing even harder. "i was trying to get out of bed and i didn't realize my shirt was on the floor from last night and i slipped on it." he says rubbing his head

"did you hurt anything?" she manages to get out through her laughs.

"well i hit my head really hard against the wall, and landed on my leg wrong but i'll be ok" but again, lana doesn't stop laughing. "great to know my girlfriend cares about me."

"oh my god your so dramatic. get up and you'll be fine" she says starting to calm down. at this nico now runs into the room. "what happened here?" he asks confused, seeing the scene.

"jack slipped on his shirt and hit his head on the wall but he's just being a bit of a baby" lana. explains, whispering the last part just loud enough that jack can hardly hear it.

"heyyy that's not very nice i'm really hurt." he says still sitting there, in just his underwear.

"wait no who was that that called you?" he asks lana, curious of what so rudely woke him up.

"oh it was my agent, taylor, she just wanted to let me know she got me a gig in cali" lana says nonchalantly.

"whoah really? that's a pretty big deal, do you know who it's for?" jack asks, curious of this new opportunity.

"no, taylor was about to tell me but then i was interrupted..." she says giving jack a look.

"sorry" he shrugs it off pretty easily, still eager to find out who it's for. "so then call her back?" jacks suggests.

lana pulls out her phone and calls taylor back, apologizing for hanging up on her before "sorry girl, my, uh, roommate, just fell off his bed?" she tries to think of how to refer to him, since they aren't public yet.

"don't stress it! is he at least ok?" she asks, ensuring that jack is fine. "oh yeah he was just being over dramatic he's fine." lana replies, giving him a look, making sure he's not too offended. "so when is the gig? and who for?"

"it's next week, and it's for chanel" taylor replies, waiting to hear lana's reaction. "oh my god your joking right? like chanel like the designer clothing brand? shut up!" jack is now freaking out for her, so excited for this opportunity for her.

the girls wrap up the phone call, and she tells jack the news. "nico! luke! get in here right now!" she yells, getting all the boys attention. they both come to her, expecting jack to be dead on the floor or something. "why'd you call us" luke asks, impatiently waiting for her answer.

"guess who got a modelling gig in california with chanel!" she said excitedly, waiting for a response.

"i'm assuming you?" nico said smiling, really happy for her. "yes!" she said throwing herself into jacks arms. "that's so exciting! when is it?" jack questions her, hoping that he'll be on a roadie so they'll both be gone. "it's next week, you guys are gone then right?"

"oh that's perfect, we'll be gone then too." nico says, confirming the girls assumption.

"do you guys wanna go out for supper?" luke asks, "we have nothing up tonight."

"i can't, i have one week to get my summer body back." she says, but decides to still go with them, just not eat anything.

omg guys i'm so sorry it's been sooooo long, i've been really busy 😭

hope you like this one, it's short but at least it's smth.

i have pretty big plans for the next little bit, i'll try to get some writing done lol

pls vote and comment!

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