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TW: mention of drugs and addiction, i'll put stars before the parts

"ugh why hasn't jack responded yet" lana complains to blake, still half asleep.

"he said you never texted him, are you sure you put in the right number?" blake says reasoning with her.

"k i'm not that stupid, i wouldn't put a number in wrong. unless he gave me the wrong number because he doesn't actually want me to text him..." lana rambles on thinking about everything that could go wrong

"don't we still have the sticky notes on the counter? go double check." renee pipes in. renee and lana walk into the kitchen, blake slowly trailing behind.

lana looks down at the sticky note comparing it to the number she put in her phone. her eyes grow wide as she slowly looks up

"what's up?" blake says examining her friend

"so i may have put his number is wrong..." lana confesses

"but i thought you weren't that stupid?" blake says looking at renee and laughing

"just shut up, i'll text his real number now" she says while clutching her stomach "after i go puke quickly. why'd you let me get that drunk"


lana del rey
hey jack, sorry for not reaching out last night

i put in the wrong number

rowdy 🤠
hey lana! don't worry about it, i'm glad you got home safe


"ayo she finally texted me, turns out she put the wrong number into her phone" jack says to the boys

"see, i told you" nico reminds jack

"yeah yeah" jack not wanting to admit his friends were right


rowdy 🤠
so do you wanna hang out or something? i can take you out on a real date?

lana del rey
wait really? that would be awesome!

when were you thinking?

rowdy 🤠
does tonight work?

i can make reservations at a nice place?

lana del rey
yeah that sounds perfect!

send me the details when you have it figured out.


jack calls the nicest restaurant he can think of, and reserves a table for two. he sends lana the details, letting her know when he will pick her up.

"whoah whoah hold up guys jacky has a date tonighttttt" luke says looking over jacks shoulder. jack slaps his arm and gives him a look

all the guys look over pounding jack with questions, asking what he's planning for it

luke suspiciously runs to his room and locks his door

heart break prince • jack hughesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon