Self Distruction. TW.

39 6 8

Jisung spent hours just sitting on the floor.
The blood that was gushing out of his hand, was now dried up and even though the pain started settling in, he didn't care.

Minho watched him as the time went by with nothing but fear in his eyes. He didn't even know ghosts could feel fear.

Jisung shifted his body a bit, his head now facing the direction of where Minho was perched on the edge of the bathtub.

Though he was looking at him, he wasn't seeing him. And that hurt Minho more than anything.

Jisung leaned his head back on the cupboard, "I'm tired.." his voice was croaky and came out a bit hoarse.

"I'm so tired, even breathing is a struggle.."

"Why'd you have to leave.. I can't function anymore I.. I though I'd be.. be okay.. and.. and that.. that I'd get better.."

"I payed no mind to the lingering feeling deep down because I thought it was nothing"

"God I just want peace.. I hate this feeling.. I hate myself.. I hate everything in existence now.."

By now his head was in his hands and his body racked back and forth.

"Jisung please get up.. eat something.. drink some water and take a shower.. take care of yourself CLEAN YOUR ARM JISUNG.. jisung please.." Minho talked as if jisung would've heard him. He knew he couldn't but he still did it anyway.

Jisung got up and staggered out to the kitchen, holding onto everything in his path for some sort of stability.

He filled a glass and went back to the bathroom.
Minho's lips curved upwards because he thought, finally, finally jisung was gonna start doing what he just begged him to do.

But he thought wrong..

Jisung turned the cabinet upside down looking for a small bottle in particular.

He sighed when he found them and popped the cap open.

With each movement jisung did, Minho's smile faded.. little by little.

"Jisung, jisung no, JISUNG NO-"

Once he successful uncapped the small bottle he threw a handful of the compartments into the palm of his hand.

He stared at them for a few seconds before throwing them back, a lot a time.

He continued throwing back pills until the entire bottle was empty.

At first he felt 'normal'. Nothing was happening so he screamed and threw the bottle across the room and Minho thanked the Gods.

But he celebrated too soon.

Jisung was stood somewhat straight before he dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

He was still for some minutes before he felt his body start severely overheating. Sweat formed on his forehead and soon, all over his body. His breath was getting raggedy and he started coughing.

Soon after, he started vomiting. And Minho saw took this as his body rejecting the pills; but then blood started coming out of jisung's mouth mixed with the vomit and he just knew this wasn't supposed to happen.

He got up with hands on his head and sobbed. Minho cried for the umpteenth time because he really couldn't do anything to help jisung.

"Why isn't anyone coming over at all?! Do they not know your mental state or are you hiding it from them again jisung?!" Minho screamed at jisung who was on the floor emptying his guys.

He felt stress beyond relief.

Moments later, jisung's body gave in and he collapsed further into the floor.

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