exhausted. TW.

38 6 5

Jisung doesn't know how long he's sat there staring off into space.
It could've been a few minutes or a couple of hours, who knows?

The only recollection of the time he had was when his phone rang and he got up to see who it was.

It was his mother.

She asked him to take a seat first before the conversation even started. He didn't, but he told her he did it anyway.

The conversation was merely about how he was doing since she'd last seen him and he told her that it was fine.

She then told him the reason for her call.
It was for Minho's funeral.
She told him the date and the place but all be heard was ringing in his ears.

This made it all the more real.
This confirmed that he infact did not see, talk to or hugged the older that night.

"Jisung did you hear me?" His mother's voice cause him to hone in on what she was saying.

"Yeah mom.."

"So the funeral will be this Saturday at 1pm, and I'd really like for you to make it honey."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world mom.."

Why am I lying?

"That's great honey, I love you and keep staying strong."

"I will don't worry mom.."

Why am I lying?

The phone call ended and he went right back to where he wasn't sitting.

It's been weeks since he'd last eaten properly.
And his last shower was exactly twenty one hours ago.
But he didn't care because what was the point in taking care of himself if he didn't have a purpose anymore.

His purpose was Minho and without Minho, he has no purpose, no will to live and his ability to breathe and be alive is wearing thin.

"Min why'd you leave.."

"It's so hard to wake up everyday and you're not next to me. Yeah I have my mother and our friends but the love I feel from them is incomparable to yours.."

"Min I'm sorry, I swear I am. And I know you that...that you'd want me to live for you but min you were my reason for living and now you're gone...jagiya I feel like I'm going insane I-"

His breathing got shaky and his and went to his throat clawing at it not caring if there's any scratches after.

Jisung was crying so hard he was choking on his own saliva.
His head pounded, his chest felt tight and he was gasping for air.

Minho's Pov

If he'd just turn his head he'd see me there, standing in the corner.

God seeing him like this is killing me. It's even worse than when I was dying the first time.

Minho didn't even realize he was crying, he took long strides and stood beside jisung screaming at him to just look up and that he's right here.

But jisung didn't hear, he was unable to.
The ringing in his head spread to his ears and the thoughts in his mind raged and consumed him whole.

Minho fell to the ground with tears in his eyes unable to help, unable to provide the comfort jisung so desperately needed.

No one's pov

Jisung got up, eyes blinded by his tears and went to the bathroom.

He rummaged through the cabinet above the sink not caring if he hit his hand hard or anything.

Minho of course followed behind him and watched his lover's frantic movements.

His eyes went wide as he realized what jisung was going for.


he tries reaching out to touch jisung but it didn't work this time.

"Of all fucking times I try to touch you, now is when it doesn't work?!"

Minho's eyes darted around the room for stuff he could knock over to gain jisung's attention, however while he was searching, jisung had already done it.

One line wasn't enough so he cut more and he made sure to cut where the veins were.

"JISUNG PLEASE STOP!!!" Minho was screaming in the younger's face but jisung couldn't see him, nor could he hear him.

By the time he was done, you couldn't even recognize his tanned skin anymore, it was full of cuts and blood.

Blood was just oozing out of the cuts at a rapid pace and not even minutes after, jisung's eyes rolled back and he dropped to the floor.

Minho tried to something, anything to help but what good can he do if he can't even touch things anymore.

So he was forced to watch jisung just bleed out on the floor Infront of him.


It was morning, Minho was still in the bathroom looking at jisung hoping for any signs of movement.

He almost have up hope until he saw jisung's finger twitch and minutes later he jolted awake.


"But I'm right here, I-"


a/n: yeah..
Not proofread.

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