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Roxy POV

"Please Sarah go to sleep" I beg as I rock her for the 100th time tonight. She isn't well and just wants to stay with me all the time. I haven't slept in 2 days, Chris had to go to LA he didn't want to but he had no choice and I've been alone in the house. Scott and Lisa have been over to try and help but honestly it hasn't helped. I honestly feel like screaming at the moment. I walk out of the room, I just need to have a breather just a few moments away.

I slump down on the floor outside her room and lay my head on my arms that are wrapped around my knees. I start to sob, I can hear her calling for me but I just need a minute. Just a minute.

Chris POV

I'm finally home, I couldn't believe when Meg told me I had to go to LA. I didn't want to leave Roxy and Sarah but I had no choice. As I walk in I hear Sarah crying from her room that I had set up. I placed Meg bags down and head towards the screaming child as I do I see Roxy sat on the floor, she has her arms wrapped around her knees and she is crying.
"Roxy?" I rush to her and she looks up at me, she looks exhausted.
"Roxy what's wrong? Did he....."
She shakes her head "no. Sarah........she's poorly.........she won't sleep.........2 day....."

I bring her close to me, hugging her tightly and I kissing her head.
"Go shower and sleep. I've got Sarah"
"No chris, you've just got home"
"Roxy you're exhausted. Please"
She stands slowly before kissing me softly and walking towards the bedroom. I head into Saras room and pick her up. She is so tired I can see it in her eyes. She feels warm too so I take her down to the kitchen and get the thermometer.
Checking her temperature, it does register as slightly warmer than usual.

I see some medication on the side, Sarah's name on them. So I walk back to the bedroom and knock on the bathroom door.
"Yeah" she calls back "has Sarah had her medicine?"
"Yes she had it not long ago. Should kick in soon"
I walk back down and sit down on the sofa, slowly rocking her back and forth. She slowly calms down and looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey princess"
She smiles and places her hand on my cheek. She melts my heart with every look "you poorly baby girl?"
She slowly sits up and places her other hand on my cheek before saying a word that nearly makes my heart beat out of my chest.
I'm in shock, I didn't expect her to say that word to me and I don't know how to react. I then hear a voice behind me.
"It's okay Chris"

I turn and see Roxy standing there "Roxy....."
"It's okay" she smiles
She takes Sarah from me before settling her down in her play pen. She then sits down next to me and takes my hand "don't freak out. She's just confused"
"No Chris it's okay really. She's just too young for me to explain right now and I wouldn't even know what to say......"
"Roxy......I don't mind. In fact I kind of loved it"
"You did?"
"Yes. Rox I've been in her life since the start and I look at her like my own, I protect her as my own. So really I don't mind"

She smiles "I missed you"
"I missed you too. I'm so sorry......"
"No Chris don't apologise. You have work to do"
"I know but....."
"It's okay really"
I look over and see Sarah fast asleep in the play pen and I smile "she's finally out"
"The medication must have kicked in"
"What's wrong with her?"
"She has an ear infection. Doctor said it should be gone by the end of her antibiotics"
"She's going to be fine Chris"
I nod and she kisses my cheek, this woman and that child have become the most important people in my life and I would do anything to help them and protect them.

Labour PainsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon