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Roxy POV

I have spent the last few hours listening to this guy go on and on about a subject I have absolutely no interest in. He is cute I'll give him that but other than that there isn't anything attractive about him, his personality isn't great. He keeps calling me sweetheart and I don't like it. Every now and then I see Chris looking over and I can tell he is getting jealous, but there isn't anything can do. I also see Scott, he looks over now and then but he knows I'm mad at him for this and he will pay afterwards.

"Hey babe you want get me another beer?" He says and I look oddly at him.
"Excuse me?"
"Well I just thought....."
"Sorry. You'll have to get it yourself"
I walk away and head to the bathroom, I lean against the counter and sigh, checking the baby monitor I see Sarah still sleeping. She was so worn out from the park and shopping I haven't been able to see her yet.
"You okay?" I hear from behind me and as I turn I see Chris standing there.
"No. He's...."
"A complete ass?"

I can't help but chuckle "pretty much"
He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head and holding me close.
"I've wanted to come and just kiss you all afternoon"
"I know. Me too" I look up and he leans down kissing me softly. As we break apart we hear a gasp from the door. Breaking apart quickly I look over and Scott is standing there with a shocked look on his face.
"OMG! When did....." before he can shout anymore, Chris drags him in and puts his hand over his mouth.

"It's new.  Very new as in last night new so please Scott don't say anything"
I beg him and he nods, Chris takes his hand away and Scott smiles "seriously? You two?"
Chris smiles "yes"
"Omg this is amazing. Why aren't we telling people? And omg! That guy I'm so sorry"
"It's okay"
"But you said you didn't wanna date?"
"I know and what happened with us wasn't planned but I've liked Chris for ages and he likes me too. So maybe......"
"I'm so happy for you guys. I've wanted this to happen since you met"

I can't help but laugh "look Scott I really don't want this getting out yet so please.....keep it to yourself"
"Of course. I understand"
"Thank you"
"I'll leave you two too it. Just don't have sex in here. Thats gross!"
I throw a towel at him as he laughs walking out of the door and closing it behind him.
"Well that's one down"
I shake my head "we have to be more careful Chris"
"Or we could just tell everyone"
"No Chris. Stop pushing this"
"I'm not pushing, I just don't see why...."

"Because I want to make sure this is real first"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're well known for being a bit of player Chris and I don't want to be your latest....."
"My latest what?"
I can tell he is mad and I don't want to argue "just give me time"
"No. Finish that sentence"
Before I can answer I hear Sarah crying, I move past Chris and go to get her. Chris has always been a bit of a player and it worries me that maybe this is just a fleeting thing and he will change his mind and just want to be friends. My heart couldn't take that. So I need to be sure about this and I hope he can understand that otherwise we are done before we have even begun.

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