Labour pains

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Chris POV

It's such a lovely day in Boston today so I've decided to go on a walk with my sister Carly, she's not been doing too well lately and I really want to have a chat and see if there is anything I can do to help her.
"Carly you know I'll have the kids anytime"
"I know Chris but you have such a hectic life I don't want to put more pressure on you when your home"
"It's not pressure sis, I love those kids and sometimes you and Ryan need some alone time"
"We really do, I feel like we are completely losing us as a couple"

I stop her and wrap my arms around her, she squeezes me tight "just cuz your the eldest doesn't mean you need to do everything alone. We are all here for you"
"Thanks Chris"
As we pull away I see Carly look over my shoulder, I turn and see a woman leaning against the back of a bench. She seems to be in pain.
Carly walks over "are you okay?" She asks as the woman looks up.
I can't help but notice how beautiful she is, as I look down I see her protruding stomach.
"Yes.....I'm fine.....really" she says through laboured breaths.

I walk closer and she looks up at me, I instantly see the look that I always get when people recognise me.
"Are you sure? You seem in pain"
She shakes her head and I see her grit her teeth in pain, carly walks around to her placing her hand on her back.
"Are you in labour?"
"I think's my first...."
"Okay. Just breath, is your husband or boyfriend or girlfriend or wife here?"
She shakes her head "my husband left me a few months ago. Cheating bastard"

I couldn't believe what she just said, I never understood how men can do that.
"Maybe we should get you to the hospital?"
I see her cheeks turn red when I speak to her and I can't help but smirk a little.
"I don't have a car, I came for a walk. Not my best idea"
She groans as another contraction hits, I go to the other side of her and gently place my palm
On the bottom of her back, having learnt from
Carly having kids, if you apply some pressure it can sometimes help with the pain.
"That feels nice"
I laugh a little "I can drive you to the hospital"

"I don't want to be a burden"
"Your not. Let us help you sweetie" Carly says and she nods. Carly grabs my keys and runs ahead to open the car and get it ready, I hold my hand out and she seems reluctant to take it, I smile down at her and she slides her hand into mine.
"Thank you"
"Your welcome, I'm Chris by the way and that's my sister Carly"
"Is it creepy if I say I know" she laughs and I can't help but laugh too.
"Not at all"
"My names Roxy"
"It's nice to meet you Roxy"
"You too chris"

Labour PainsWhere stories live. Discover now