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Roxy POV

I sit on the bed, rocking Sarah back to sleep wanting to keep her close. I didn't understand why he had showed up, or how he knew where I lived. He hasn't wanted anything to do with me or Sarah since I found out he cheated on me and yet he comes here demanding her. He was so drunk, which is how he spent most of our marriage. He was angry and I didn't know what to do, even though I'm pissed at chris I'm so glad he arrived when he did. I hear a creak in the hallway and I look up to see Chris standing there.

He smiles and I look away and look down at Sarah, who is sleeping soundly. I carefully stand and walk back to Sarah's room, slowly placing her down in her crib and making my way out and back to my room where I know Chris is waiting. As I walk in his head is hanging low and I can see he looks worried.
"Why did you come here?" I ask and his head looks up at me and seems confused at my question.
"You didn't want to talk to me at your mums so why did you come?"
"No Chris. I'm grateful that you did because I don't know what he would have done but that doesn't mean you get to come here and we are just okay"

"I know. I just want to explain....."
"Explain what? How your trying to push me to do something I'm not ready for?"
"I didn't mean too Roxy. I just........I don't want to hide you from anyone"
"I'm not hiding. Chris you just saw what I dealt with for so many years, he cheated on. He was a complete dick and was always drunk. Then I decide to move on and yet again I get cheated on. I know you Chris, I've seen the woman you've dated and you've dated a lot. So yes I'm cautious, that might not be what you want to hear but it's the truth.  I know I like you but I need more then just a few kisses and a few smiles to believe this is really what you want"

"Chris......I'm protecting my heart please understand that"
He stands up and walks towards me "I do. I do understand. I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you were ashamed of me or something"
"God Chris" I place my hands on his chest and lean into him "of course I'm not. This is everything to do with me. My insecurities and my feelings, things I need work on. I trust you 100% as my friend and now I need to learn to trust you as more then that"
He nods "I get that. I'm not pushing you tell me when your ready and I'll be ready too"

I smile softly "thank you" I lean up and kiss him gently.
"Now can you explain what just happened?" He asks and I sigh.
"I don't know. He turned up about 5 minutes after I got home and he was drunk, ranting about how I kept Sarah from him and how it's not fair and I should let him see her. I told him no, he never wanted her and he got angry. Tried to push his way in. I don't even know how he got my address"
"Rox, if he is going to keep showing up, I don't want you alone"
I nod knowing he was right "why don't you stay with me?" He asks and I look at him in shock.

"Just while we figure this out. We will get in contact with a lawyer and the police and figure out what's going on"
"Chris.....that's a lot. Sarah is...."
"I know what my princess is like Roxy. I want you to stay with me please"
I smile widely"your princess?"
He nods "you know it"
I can't help but giggle "okay. But only until this is sorted"
He leans down and kisses me again, softly and seductively. I can't help but moan and pull him in deeper. I'm really starting to like where this is going.

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