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Chris POV

After an incredible morning with Roxy, my mum called to let us know that they were home and to go round whenever. Roxy had told mum that I was at the house and would be coming with her.
"What do we say?"
I look at her confused "what do you mean?"
"What do we say if they ask why we are together? Why you were here?"
"The truth?"
"You want to tell them?"
"Well yeah. Do you not want too?"
"It's just......we haven't even been on a date yet and they will have so many questions"
"Okay. We can wait. We will just say I crashed out on the couch"
"Yeah. Ok"

"You okay?"
She nods and continues to get ready "hey" I stop her from doing what she was doing and turn her to face me.
"What's wrong?"
"What if they don't like me?"
I start laughing and she groans "Chris!"
"They love you"
"No I mean what if they don't like me with you, with us, dating?"
"Why wouldn't they?"

"I don't know. Chris..."
"Ok calm down. My family are your family and they love you and Sarah. Please don't worry. If you want to keep this between us for a while then we can do that"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Whatever your comfortable with"
"Thank you" she whispers and I lean forward gently kissing her. She smiles and turn back to continue to get ready.
"I'll wait down stairs"

I walk down and I can't help the smile on my face, she is literally everything I have wanted and she has been right in front of me this whole time. I feel my phone ring, I grab it and answer it.
"Hey Scott what's up?"
"I kind of did a thing"
"What thing?"
"I may have told someone about Roxy"
"Told someone? What do you mean?"
"A friend. He was saying he is looking to date someone and I told him about Roxy"

I groan "Scott seriously"
"He's a great guy...."
"No. She doesn't want to date" well she does but only me. What is he thinking.
"Well mum said this thing was a casual bbq now and I may have invited him"
"Scott, she is going to kill you! In fact I'm going to kill you"
"It will be fine. He's really good looking"
"Then you date him"
"Funny. He's straight"

I hang up not being able to deal with him anymore, I hear footsteps behind me and as I turn I see Roxy, she looks beautiful.
"Was that Scott?"
"Yeah. You look amazing"
She giggles and walks over to me, placing her hands on my chest "thank you" she leans up and kisses me. As she pulls away, I see her look at me confusingly.
"What's wrong?"
"Scott he did something"

"He invited someone to this bbq.......for you"
"For me? What do you mean?"
"A date" I see her face change to anger very quickly "I'm going to kill him"
"I know. I said that to him"
"Why doesn't he listen to me"
"I'm sure he didn't....."
"No chris. He promised he would stop and he hasn't"
"We could tell them about us. That would stop him"
"I know your nervous but you don't have to be"

"I don't know if I'm ready for everyone to know"
"Okay. So what do you want to do?"
"I'll have to play along but make it clear I'm not in the head space to date right now"
"Just him right?"
She chuckles "yes Chris. I'm very much in the head space to date you"
"Mmmm really?"
"Well depends on where you're going to take?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out"

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