Goku x Shape Shifter Fem Reader pt 2

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As the memory of the awkward encounter with your father lingered, you and Goku exercised a newfound discretion in your interactions, ensuring more privacy whenever possible. Goku remained a constant presence, lending his assistance with your daily chores and expressing an unwavering fondness for your culinary creations, relishing every snack or hearty meal you prepared.

Over the passing months, your relationship evolved, growing more robust and romantically charged. Goku gently coaxed you out of your comfort zone, guiding you to places beyond your familiar surroundings. He reveled in the diverse forms you took through your shape-shifting abilities, recognizing the nuances of your emotions portrayed through distinct animalistic traits—a canine tail wagging for joy, a warning hiss or growl in anger, or wings and camouflaging abilities during moments of sadness.

Amidst your martial arts training with Goku, his touch became a constant source of solace and reassurance, emitting a serene and comforting warmth that you cherished dearly. From his infectious laugh to his endearing smile, even down to the rumbling of his stomach when hunger struck, every aspect of Goku brought a smile to your face.

One day, as Goku carried you home on a piggyback ride, you nestled into the crook of his neck, your contentment evident in a tender, loving purr that escaped you effortlessly. Witnessing your display of affection, Goku beamed with delight, his tail gently encircling your waist as he ascended the hill toward your home. He was overwhelmed by the profound love radiating from you, a glowing aura of pure affection that enveloped him.

His onyx eyes softened, reflecting a depth of emotion as he felt your closeness. In that moment, enveloped by your warmth and love, he found an unspoken desire—to nurture and cherish you endlessly throughout his life.

Your newfound extroverted persona gleamed brightly, a manifestation of the transformation your life had undergone since Goku became an integral part of your world. Humming a cheerful tune, you moved gracefully about the kitchen, orchestrating a delectable dinner, your fluffy canine tail swishing with as much fervor as your joyous demeanor.

Amidst the warmth and bustling activity, your father's sudden shift to a more serious demeanor caught both Goku and you off guard. The Saiyan immediately straightened in his seat, sensing the weight behind your father's intent gaze fixed upon him.

"What are your true intentions with my daughter, Goku?" Your father's inquiry pierced the air, drawing your attention away from arranging steaks in the sizzling cast iron skillet.

Goku, devoid of any filter, responded swiftly with earnest simplicity. "I want to be with her forever." His candid confession caused your face to flush crimson, your flustered reaction leading you to squeak and transform into an utterly adorable and fluffy creature.

A smirk played at your father's lips before he theatrically sighed. "Well, if you're going to be doing that, a mere promise won't cut it. You need more than words—a place of your own, earning your own wages, having your own space... I'm sure being confined to separate rooms is getting frustrating for both of you."

Without further ado, your father produced a set of keys from his pocket, tossing them over to Goku, who caught them with a puzzled expression. "Um, what are these for?" he inquired, prompting your father to reply, "Y/N knows; that's all you need to know."

The sight of the familiar keys left you utterly speechless, your jaw hanging in shock as you attempted to protest. "B-But Dad, that's for..."

Before you could finish, your father interjected, steering the conversation toward a surprising resolution. "Why don't you show him instead of explaining? I'm certain the reaction will be much better. But tomorrow morning, not tonight."

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