Reader x Goku Dragon Balls Work! pt 5

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It was the morning of your birthday, and despite Goku's influence, Bulma was determined to go all out for no apparent reason. However, you had different plans in mind.

"Bulma, seriously, I'm perfectly content with a simple pizza party or even just a cupcake," you express, as Bulma playfully enhances your appearance for the special day. "No need to go overboard. I'm not interested in all the extravagant stuff. Besides, a little relaxation and a small treat would be more than enough."

But Bulma remains adamant, insisting on spoiling you with spa treatments, shopping sprees, and an elaborate celebration. She believes it would also help resolve the unspoken tension between you and Goku.

"What tension?" you inquire, as Bulma skillfully styles your hair.

"Oh, come on! Don't play dumb. It's obvious! Every time you touch Goku's muscles or catch a glimpse of him shirtless, you practically melt. And let's not forget how often you two find yourselves in close proximity, almost grinding against each other. It's like a dance, but neither of you is willing to make a move!" Bulma reveals, causing you to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"I-I assure you, there's nothing like that going on between us!" you stammer, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.

Bulma simply smirks, refusing to let the matter go. "Oh, come on! Just admit it already. It's obvious you both have feelings for each other. And let's be real, when was the last time either of you had any romantic excitement?"

Her words trigger a vivid memory of a crowded shopping trip where you and Goku were inadvertently pressed together. The tight space had you practically glued to his lap, and you couldn't deny the certain... reaction it caused.

"Um, well, that's not important, Bulma," you mumble, avoiding her gaze.

Bulma rolls her eyes, clearly unconvinced. "Fine, fine. Let's not dwell on that. It's time to give you the pampering you deserve!"

With a mix of relief and anticipation, you follow Bulma, ready to embrace the day's festivities, secretly hoping that maybe, just maybe, there's more to the tension between you and Goku than meets the eye.

After a day filled with pampering and indulgence, you find yourself thoroughly enjoying your first-ever official birthday party. The delicious food, thoughtful gifts, and the sheer fun of it all make it an unforgettable experience.

As the night grows late, the kids are reluctantly ushered off to bed, their protests falling on deaf ears as Gohan and Videl take charge. Meanwhile, as the birthday girl, you find yourself engaged in a private moment with Goku, a little distance away from the party. Both of you have indulged in some tasty alcoholic drinks, which have undoubtedly heightened the intensity of the evening.

Behind the cover of a tree, the atmosphere crackles with desire as you and Goku share a passionate and heated makeout session. Your carefully styled hair and new clothing are now slightly disheveled, evidence of the intense connection between you. In this moment, you both hunger for each other's affection, the desire palpable in the air.

As you and Goku continue your passionate escapade, little do you know that Bulma has caught a glimpse of your intimate moment. She can't help but giggle to herself before she goes off to mingle with Vegeta, leaving you to your own devices.

Despite your best efforts to keep things quiet, it becomes increasingly challenging as the effects of the alcohol take hold. You gently tap Goku's arms, signaling for him to pause the intense makeout session. "W-Wait, wait," you manage to gasp between breaths, causing him to break the kiss with a slight pout.

Goku's eyes light up with amusement as he realizes the reason for the interruption. You simply wanted him to remove the uncomfortable heels you're wearing, ensuring your comfort before diving back into the passionate exchange of lips and tongues.

Random Stories, AI influence (Dragonball Edition!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें