Chapter 17

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Namjoon tore a page from Hoseok's planner and scribbled something on it with his trembling hands. He looked out for a nurse and pleaded to send the message to his friend, saying it's a matter of death and survival.

The nurse agreed and pocketed the note before going to the operation door.

Time passed and Namjoon waited with his eyes closed pleading for his brother's survival.

While outside the operation theatre, Sinjoo was walking back and forth with a frown on his face. His Uncle was consoling the lady who was gasping in fake tears in his embrace.

She rolled her eyes before she went right in her position when her eyes fall on the policemen approaching the operation room. 

She gestured to his uncle whose face went blank before he pulled off his face mask over his mouth. He avoided all eyes to meet.

Sinjoo helped his uncle stand in front of him, hiding the person behind him.

'Kim Seokjin' says the batch adorned by the officer in front of them. With a baton in his hand he asked the lady," The hospital filed a case of suicide, are you the guardian of Mr Jeon Jungkook."

The lady accepted with wide frightened eyes. The officer nodded," I need you to come with me for interrogation. Please cooperate." 

She nodded and clutched her purse tightly before following the officer behind. She was clever enough to not look at the man beside him and develop doubt in officers' minds.

When the man sees the officer take the lady into one of the waiting rooms, he tugs the girl to sit beside him. 

"We need to get the fuck out of here!" He whispered in anger.

Sinjoo replied with shocked eyes," But I can't go anywhere without taking Jungkook with me."

"You and your obsession with that married man. You fool! police are here. You are blind to not seeing the danger in front of you but I can see it. Remember I'm not in this mess that you created stubbornly!"

Sinjoo blinked with stunned eyes, she looked around to see policemen roaming from one room to another. She gulped and slumped into the seat even more.

"And if Jungkook opened his mouth and told the deeds we did to him. It will become hard for me to stay in this country."

Sinjoo's eyes turned angry," if you want to run you can get out of here. I'm not going until I see Jungkook and take him away with me."

The man sighed frustratedly but before he could say something the door of the operation theatre opened and a tired-looking doctor came out.

The doctor sighed and took out the face mask to take a deep breath, his eyes looking a little glossy. He looked up from Namjoon but didn't find anyone just a girl and a man who was approaching him with furrowed eyes. 

"How's Jungkook now?" The girl asked.

Hoseok looked down and licked his dry lips a little," I'm sorry. His body couldn't survive the poison which tablets created in his stomach." His voice was low and thick with pain.

He heard the gasp from the girl but ignored it before bowing a little. 

"Uh- you can collect the body's death certificate and discharge documents from the reception. Now if you excuse me." Hoseok bowed his head a little and went away leaving the two persons shocked behind him.

The mafia gritted his teeth and looked at the girl," May god grace his soul. You fucking bitch! This is what you get when you force someone above his breaking point. You get your fun, now get the fuck out of here with sealed lips. Or I will disown your sultry piece of ass." 

The girl trembled into her feet, she looked at the operation theatre once again. With slow steps, she comes into contact with the closed glass door. Her eyes freaked out in dread when he saw nurses binding the now dead body into white sheets.

She felt a hand on his wrist and found herself getting dragged away from the operation theatre.

"Uncle! Just let me look." She struggled into the tight grip.

"I am fucking tired right now so you better shut your mouth." The man threatened and dodged her into the car and motioned his man to do the same. He looked at the hospital one last time before ordering the driver to drive away.

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