Chapter 3

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Taehyung flinched awake from his sleep. He had the same dream, the same dream was indulging his mind for seven months now. The same words were circulating in his brain and leaving him heartbroken and devastated every day.

He pushed his somewhat long hair back from his forehead and wore his blue jumpsuit. He went to his mechanic shop and started working on the pending task on cars without eating anything.




Taehyung was lying under a car, his hands were busy tightening the pipe with a screw gauge. However, his ears were buzzing with the conversation he was hearing across from the car.

'Hyung, I made this for you. Tell me how's it?' Jimin asked with a beautiful smile, he was holding a chopstick with meatballs in front of his husband's face.

Yoongi, Taehyung's brother, was busy polishing the seat of a bike. He parted his mouth and took the food into it.

He hummed and nodded his head in appreciation before giving a thumbs up to his little husband. Jimin bounced on his feet and smiled brightly.

Tears surged on Taehyung's cheeks, he remembered the time when Jungkook always came to his shop with a new dish in his hand. Pouting hardly when he annoyingly pointed out his food blunders.

'I need to leave this hell hole.'

Taehyung closed his eyes and wiped his tears with his sleeves. He focussed on his work, he needed to or he would lose himself completely.


Taehyung heard Jimin's voice and that softness in his voice brought tears into his eyes again. He hummed with a clogged throat.

"I made dinner today. Come out and please eat." Jimin was standing over the door of the car, taehyung can only see his shoes.

"I had a big lunch today, Jimin-ah. You guys eat. But please keep my portion in the refrigerator, I will eat it tomorrow." He said after gulping down the lump in his throat.

"Are you sure? It's delicious." Jimin asked again.

"Oh? Yeah. Pass me the gearing belt before going." 

Taehyung heard when Jimin sighed softly and passed a gearing belt to him. 


The days always blurred and passed but it's the night that hurt the most. He walked inside his house. A house… he doesn't need to remind himself that these four walls weren't home anymore. This is a house. An empty house.

He plopped on his worn off couch and sighed heavily. 

His eyes were about to shut when the doorbell rang sharply. Not even a squirrel comes into this house then who will come at this hour? 

It rang again and Taehyung pushed himself on his feet. He opened the door and a delivery boy was standing there, wearing a very familiar dress code. 

"Kim taehyung?" The boy asked who belong to special delivery services.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Taehyung asked. Folding up his sleeves hiding the black lubricant over his cuffs. 

"This parcel has meant to deliver to you, Sir. I might need your signature, here."  He showed some papers to taehyung. And Taehyung signed them after reading it. 

Taehyung took the parcel and smiled sadly," This came again. This must be from my grandma right?" He said eyeing the purple bento box.

The boy smiled and nodded," Yes, Sir." He bowed a little before turning back. 

"Could you please wait here, I need to send something to my grandma." 

The boy hesitated but then nodded his head.

Taehyung closed the door and went inside. After ten minutes, he opened the door and gave a white bento box to the delivery boy.

The boy noticed his red eyes and trembling lips when he heard," Please say to my grandma, that I miss her." 

The boy bowed deeply and went to his bike before riding it away to his next destination.


"Sir, master Taehyung gave this to my son in return." His maid placed a white bento box in front of Jungkook and walked away. 

Jungkook was sitting in his study room, round specs covering his eyes making him look a bit older than he is. His eyes fell on the white box and a silent sigh left his lips. 

He closed his laptop and placed it away from him before sliding the box towards him. The box was folded in a beautiful red scarf. 

He opened the scarf and a white paper fell out of it. 

What could it be? A message from t-tae? 

Fear crawled inside Jungkook as he took the paper in his hand. He unfolds it.


I'm afraid you might need to change the excuse next time. Because my grandma left this world in the previous month. I paid your respects to her, don't worry. I think she also couldn't bear my cheap regards and sanity. 


The paper was filled with tear stains and it was enough for Jungkook to break down in his empty study room.

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