Faith, now visibly upset, turned to Philip"Phil, don't mind them. They're just being overprotective. You're my friend, and that's all that matters."

As Faith tried to diffuse the tension between her protective brothers and Philip, Will and Harry remained steadfast in their overprotective stance. Harry, standing alongside Will, added with a steely gaze, "We've seen a lot of people come and go, and we won't tolerate anyone who might not have the best intentions."

Will: "We're just looking out for our baby sister. Let's see if you're worthy of her friendship."

Philip, feeling the weight of their words, shifted uncomfortably but tried to maintain composure."absolutely sir. Faith is a very good friend of mine"

Faith, frustrated and upset, turned to her brothers. "You two are being ridiculous! n you're scaring him away. Stop it or I will tell papa"

Will and Harry exchanged satisfied glances, thinking they had successfully accomplished the mission. However, Faith's disappointment and frustration lingered. With Will and Harry finally stepping away, Faith and Philip were left to enjoy the rest of the royal ball on their terms. As the tense atmosphere lifted, Faith flashed a grateful smile at Philip.

Faith: "Sorry about that. My brothers can be a bit... overprotective."

Philip, trying to lighten the mood, chuckled, " Can't blame them for looking out for you."

The two friends ventured into the heart of the ballroom, where the music continued to sway through the air. Philip, feeling more at ease, extended his hand "Shall we continue the dance they interrupted?"

Faith, with a playful glint in her eye, accepted his hand "Absolutely. Let's show them they can't stop us from having a good time."

The pair glided across the dance floor, twirling and laughing as if the earlier tension had never existed. Their dance became a delightful blend of elegance and joy, drawing the attention of other attendees who were enchanted by their carefree spirit.

Between dances, they found a quieter corner to chat and share amusing stories. Philip, with a mischievous grin, decided to lighten the mood further.

Philip: "You know, I was a bit worried there. Thought I might need a royal pardon to escape the interrogation."

Faith laughed, playfully nudging him.

Faith: "Don't worry. I'll put in a good word for you with the royal guard."

Philip: "Phew, that's a relief. Wouldn't want to end up in the Tower of London for dancing with a princess."

meanwhile, Charles, who had been observing the situation from a distance, recognized Edward, who happens to be Philip's father, from their school days.

Charles: "Edward! Is that you?"

Edward, turning towards Charles, broke into a smile and bowed Charles.

Edward: " your royal highness !It's been ages. How have you been?"

Charles: oh stop with those. we are friends Edward. just call me by my name like the school days and Edward chuckled " oh the adventures we had those days"

The two old schoolmates exchanged pleasantries, and as the conversation unfolded, Edward revealed a crucial detail.

Edward: "Oh, by the way, that is my son, Philip. He's the one dancing with the princess."

Charles, with a twinkle in his eye, acknowledged him "Well, it seems like our children are getting along just fine. Let's not spoil their evening, shall we?"

"yes yes. lets let them enjoy "

Charles: "Edward, it's been a pleasure reconnecting with you. How about joining us for lunch at Kensington? It would be wonderful to catch up further."

Edward, appreciative of the invitation, replied, "Charles, I would be honored. I'm sure it will be a delightful occasion."

As the night drew to a close, Faith and Philip, were tired but contented with the warmth of their friendship.It was at this moment that Diana and Charles, having observed the playful dynamic between Faith and Philip from a distance, decided to approach the duo.

Faith, noticing her parents, beamed with joy.

Faith: "Mummy, Papa, there you are! I want you to meet one of my close friends from school."

Diana and Charles, intrigued by Faith's enthusiasm, graciously joined the pair. Faith turned to Philip with a warm smile.

Faith: "Philip, these are my parents"

Philip, slightly taken aback but maintaining his composure, bowed and extended a polite greeting.

Philip: "your royal highnesses. It's an honor to meet you both."

Diana, with her characteristic warmth, reciprocated, "The pleasure is ours, Philip. Faith has spoken of you."  Charles, always the affable conversationalist, added, "Indeed. Faith tells us you've become quite the companion for her "

Faith, eager to showcase their friendship, chimed in, "Absolutely! "

Diana, noting the sincerity in Philip's eyes, decided to engage him in conversation."Philip, how are you finding Canada? ."

Philip, more at ease with the royals, responded, "It's been wonderful, Your Highness. The ball tonight has been the highlight, especially with Faith"

Charles, with a twinkle in his eye, teased, "Ah, the magic of the dance floor. I'm glad you've been keeping our daughter company."

Faith, sensing Philip's slight nervousness, playfully nudged him "Philip is quite the dancer, Mummy. You should have seen us on the floor."

Diana, charmed by their camaraderie, smiled warmly at the duo."It sounds like you both had a fantastic time. Philip, we're delighted to meet you, and we hope to see more of you during your stay in Canada."

Philip replied with a grateful smile "I'd be honoured"

After the royal ball concluded, the atmosphere at the villa became tense. Faith, still upset about Will and Harry's overprotective behavior towards Philip, couldn't contain her frustration."What was that? Why did you have to be so rude to Philip? He's just my friend, and you made him feel so uncomfortable!"

Will, attempting to justify their actions, spoke defensively, "Faith, we were just looking out for you. we don't want anyone taking advantage of you."Harry, chiming in with a similar tone, added, "Yeah, Philip seemed a bit too interested, and we needed to make sure he knew his place."

Tears welled up in Faith's eyes as she struggled to express the depth of her emotions."you were downright rude! Philip is my friend, and you treated him like he was some threat. I can't believe you would embarrass me like that." 

Will, attempting to maintain authority, responded, "Faith, you're still a child. We were just looking out for you."

Faith retorted, "I may be younger, but I can make my own friends! You don't have to act like I'm incapable of handling anything."

Harry, trying to diffuse the situation, added, "Faith, it's not about underestimating you. "

Amidst the escalating argument, Diana, alerted by the raised voices, entered the room, concerned.

Diana: "What's going on here? Why the shouting?"Faith, still upset, gestured towards her brothers." mummy they were so rude to my friend"

Will, defensively, said, "We were just being protective, Mummy. Faith doesn't understand the intentions of these boys."

Faith, wiping away tears, explained, "Philip is just my friend. He's nice, and we were having a good time. But Will and Harry acted like he is some low life" Diana, understanding the complexity of the situation, addressed her sons with a stern expression."Boys, your sister needs to have friends. You should trust her judgment and not let your protectiveness turn into interference." she comforted faith. As Diana comforted Faith and mediated the discussion, a sense of understanding began to emerge in will and harry that they went overboard on the situation.

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